Teacher Voice

"Giorraíonn beirt bóthar"

Two shorten the road

General Teacher Feedback

What were the benefits of the CPCC initiative?


Evin Devenney/ Tanya Morrison/ Annette Gildea

Working Collaboratively with Colleagues

How was your experience throughout the project?

How has this experience impacted teaching and learning in the classroom?

What opportunities has this project provided in terms of collaboraton and professional learning?

How has your involvment in this project changed your outlook moving forward?

Physical Education

Aoife De Nais- How did the CPCC initiative enhance your teaching?


Ciaran Mc Elwaine- How did the CPCC initiative support blended learning?


Shane O Neill- Planning units of learning


Ryan Monagle- The Benefits of sharing resources and effective practices with colleagues


Darragh Kelly- the Journey from the beginning