Section 1 - Title

Prior Knowledge

Students may be familiar with

Learning Intentions

In this lesson, you will:


Piece of content

Task 1:


(Subheading) What is Blood?

put in the video link here from You tube or from the web


Watch the video clip and explore why

Do you know ?????

Example of a Research & Summarise task

For this task, we are going to research into how blood is transported around the body.

  • Work in groups of 2 or 3 to complete the research grid below.

  • Make sure your information is from a true and reliable source, and give reference (if applicable).

Fill in the research grid below. You can write this into your copies or use Google Classroom under Task 2.

Blood Vessels Research

Once you have completed the research grid, select 2 blood vessels and use Venn diagram to summarise the information.

You can draw the Venn diagram into your copies or access via Google Classroom under Task 2.

Venn Diagram

Task 3: Student Reflection

Reflect on your learning from this lesson. What have you learned?

- What keywords can you now explain?

- What interesting facts did you learn?

- Can you describe the ..............?

Write your reflections in your copies and/or complete using the Student Reflection document on Google Classroom.

Student Reflection Document

Homework: Create Your Own Model!

From your learning of blood in this lesson, create a blood model highlighting the different components of blood.

Your model can be made from any materials and must include the following labels:

✓ White Blood Cells

✓ Plasma

✓ Red Blood Cells

✓ Platelets

Here are some examples completed by previous students!

Be creative with your designs!

Have Fun!