Section 4 - Healthy Hearts!

Prior Knowledge

Students may be familiar with the relationship between heart rate and exercise as many may be involved in physical activities (e.g. sports).

Students may be familiar with the effects of smoking and lifestyle choices on the heart.

Learning Intentions

In this lesson, you will:

  • Investigate the effect of exercise on the heart rate.

  • Create a video to showcase your practical activity (extension activity).

  • Research the effect of smoking and diet on the circulatory system.

  • Evaluate and reflect why the circulatory system is important.

  • Create a poster outlining guidelines on maintaining a healthy heart.

Lesson Recap

In the previous lesson, we explored the inside the heart:

  • Can you explain any keywords you learned associated with the heart?

  • Can you describe the symptoms of a heart attack and what you should do?

  • Can you dissect, display and label a mammalian heart?

If you answered "YES", you are ready for Lesson 4 - Healthy Hearts!

If not, you can always recap over Lesson 3.


Pulse Heart Rate Exercise Blood Pressure Investigate Hypothesis Smoking Diet

Heart Rate

How do you check for your pulse correctly?

Name 2 places you can check for a pulse.

What does "bpm" mean?

Why does our hearts beat faster in certain situations, such as a rollercoaster?

Task 1: Investigate the effect of exercise on heart rate

Examine the concept cartoon below relating to the effect of exercise on the heart.

(Produced by Millhouse House Education in partnership with The Association for Science Education and Schoolscience).

Concept Cartoon.pdf

In groups, discuss the opinions of the characters in the concept cartoon.

  • Which statements do you think could be correct/incorrect?

  • Can you explain your reasoning for this?

Use the document below as a guide to your investigation. You can work in groups, but the student reflection must be individual.

You can complete this in your notes copies or use the document available on Google Classroom under Task 1.

Effect of Exercise on Heart Rate

Extension Activity: Video Showcase!

Create a video (using any app) of the process involved in this practical activity:

  • Include the process of the investigation.

  • Show the exercises being undertaken.

  • Present results and draw conclusions.

  • Be creative and have fun!

Add emojis, images, videos and music to enhance your video! Upload to Google Classroom under Extension Activity.

Task 2: Research & Summarize

Does exercise benefit the body?

What happens inside the body during exercise?

Does smoking have an effect on the heart and circulatory system?

How does this affect blood flow around the body?

What other lifestyle choices can have an impact on heart health?

How does certain foods impact the circulatory system?

Using the above (and other sources), summarise the effect that exercise, smoking and other lifestyle choices can have on heart health.

In groups, fill out the heart graphic organizer. You have used this in previous lessons. This can be completed in your copies, or on Google Classroom under Task 2.

Task 3: Student Reflection

For this task, we are going to reflect on all aspects of the circulatory system to answer a central question to our learning - "Why is the circulatory system so important?"

Use the graphic organizer below for your reflections and submit to Google Classroom under Task 3. You can also copy this into your copies.

Incorporate as many aspects of your learning as you can.

Heart Organiser Reflection

Homework Task: Create a Poster

For homework, create an informative poster based on concepts you have learned in this unit. Your poster should include:

  • Factors than contribute to heart health

  • Lifestyle choices and how they impact heart health

  • Information on heart disease

  • Guidelines on how to maintain a healthy heart

  • Irish supports available for people to find more information

You can create a poster, or an info-graphic online. Please take a photo of your poster/upload your info-graphic to Google Classroom under Homework Task.

Go Further: "You can't beat a healthy heart!"