Leadership Voice

"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way"

~ John C Maxwell

Donegal ETB Director of Schools
Martin Gormley

Project Co-ordinator - Séan McFadden

Fiona Temple - Mulroy College

Joe Boyle - Deele College

Ciaran Mac Ruaidhrí - Gairmscoil Chu Uladh

With the unexpected school closures in 2020 staff had to upskill at a level never seen before. Fortunately, we had teachers who participated in the Content Creation project organised by Donegal ETB. This gave us more confidence as staff were on hand to assist teachers who were not digitally literate regarding online teaching. Staff were able to avail of the work uploaded by other teachers within the umbrella of Donegal ETB which reduced their workload and provided quality online work for the students who were working remotely.

Ciaran Mac Ruaidhrí


Gairmscoil Chú Uladh.

Head of IT - Ciaran Cunningham

Donegal ETB’s Content Creation group, driven by the changes introduced under the new Junior Cycle, led out on the development of subject specific online content. This content delivered using Google Sites as a platform, utilises the various tools available with Google Workspace for Education.

The collaborative approach adopted by our Content Creation group of teachers, allowed unique quality content to be developed and targeted using Classroom to our student population. This approach allowed other teachers to come on board using templates developed by the group ensuring a consistency in the delivery of classroom content.

The success of the work developed by our Content Creation group was then utilised by our TEL (Technology Enhanced Learning) group within our FET department. The TEL group saw the advantage of building on the good work already in place and how the various apps and tools could be rolled out to facilitate their Learners. The groundwork and the templates already developed allowed them to hit the ground running. The success of this approach can be witnessed at the various TEL events where FET tutors were introduced to many useful technological add-ons and tools to enhance their own approach to teaching.

Key members of the Content Creation group have facilitated the delivery of training during these very successful day long events.