
Teacher Preparation Handbook

Department of Education Mission

The Department of Education develops professionals committed to equity and excellence. Graduates are reflective practitioners who demonstrate ethical purpose, apply best practices, and use intercultural knowledge to serve the needs of a diverse and global society. 

Chapter 1: Teacher Preparation Program Overview

Chapter 2: Fieldwork Placement Procedures and Requirements

Chapter 3: Assessments

Chapter 4: Internship Teaching

Chapter 5: Policies

Chapter 6: Teacher Candidate Support Team

Chapter 7: Credential Program Forms

"The Department of Education at Dominican has a strong tradition of preparing knowledgeable, passionate and innovative teachers. Faculty, staff, teacher candidates and alumni all strive to raise every student to their highest potential, and to play an active role in systems of education locally, statewide, nationally and across the globe." 

Elizabeth Truesdell, Ph.D.

Chair, Department of Education