Program Policies

Academic Honesty

Academic Honesty

Students are expected to adhere to the Academic Honesty Honor Code stated in the Catalog

Students should practice academic integrity in all of its forms, including abstaining from plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic misconduct. The University reserves the right to determine in any given instance what action constitutes a violation of academic honesty and integrity. 

Email Policy

Students have the option to use the Dominican account (option 1) or have their Dominican email forwarded (option 2) to a personal email account. Email is a mechanism for official communication within the Dominican University of California.  Therefore all students at Dominican University of California MUST have a Dominican Student Email account set up and working. Having email lost as a result of redirection does not absolve a student from the responsibilities associated with communication sent to his or her official e-mail address. 

Course Substitution

A Professional Standards Committee (PSC) may grant a Teacher Candidate’s request to substitute prior coursework (maximum 6 units) for a required credential course when prior university course work is the equivalent of the program requirements (including meeting the SB 2042 program standards). To request a substitution of a required credential course, a candidate must provide the PSC with the following information:

Leave of Absence

Due to rapidly changing information and knowledge in the field of education, prior coursework may no longer meet the program requirements after a leave of absence. Re-enrolling students may be required to retake courses. To return, he or she will be required to submit a “Re-Enrollment or Reinstatement” form along with a "Registration" form and academic plan (degree checklist). 


Test scores from other colleges/universities are not a part of the Dominican University of California transcript and must be requested from the appropriate testing agency or institution, copies may not be obtained from Dominican. (Academic Catalog)

For more information see “Approved Amendments to Section 80071 of Title 5, California Code of Regulations, and Pertaining to Examination Score Validity”. Keep several official copies of your transcripts for job applications. 

Completion of Master's Degree

After completing the preliminary credential coursework at Dominican University, students continue with summer coursework to complete their Master’s degree, which consists of two additional MS Core Courses (8 units).

For students who do not directly continue their enrollment in the summer after completing the preliminary credential coursework, or who only take the first Core MS Course:  

1. File a Dominican leave of absence with the registrar’s office.

2. Submit a Re-Admission/Reinstatement form with a paper registration upon return. 

3. Complete the Graduation Degree Application for summer graduation in the spring semester prior to the completion of all coursework.  

4. Students must complete all MS degree requirements in a 6 year period (from the first semester of the credential program to the completion of the MS Core Courses). 

5.  Summer graduates will walk in the December Graduation Ceremony.