Online Training (Free)

Broken into 20 “microlessons” at around three minutes each, Grovo’s unconscious bias training will help managers understand how their bias affects their business decisions and how they can overcome it.

Length: 20 videos/ 2-4 minutes a video

Becoming more inclusive isn’t just about understanding power dynamics inside the office but the greater issues happening in the country and across the world. This extensive course covers everything, from the history of gender and sexual inequality to different forms of discrimination to the public institutions fighting for minority rights.

Length: 30 lectures/ 5 hours, 35 minutes

Perfect for those who are just dipping their toes into diversity and inclusion training, this class covers general knowledge of how power dynamics come into play in the office, and how you can better support, manage, and be an ally to your employees.

Note: This course is free to audit.

Length: 4 weeks/ 2 hours a week

Part of being a great leader is knowing how to effectively communicate—and this inclusivity training will help you tackle even the most difficult conversations.

Length: 4 weeks/ 1-2 hours a week

Covering important topics like unconscious bias, supporting diversity, and ethnocentric and ethno-relative mindsets (whether you judge or accept cultures as different and equal), this is an easy course to get everything you need in just a few hours.

Length: 3 weeks/ 3 hours a week

As they say, the best decisions are made when a diverse set of voices are in the room. Here’s how you can maximize your teams so that everyone’s opinions are heard and your team is being inclusive so it can thrive.

Note: This course is free to audit.

Length: 4 weeks/ 2-4 hours a week

Microsoft has its own training course on unconscious bias that managers and employees alike can take. Mostly in text and question form, this is a great overview of how diversity impacts business, innovation, and employee productivity and happiness.

Length: Self-paced

Leading for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education is an online course offered by the University of Michigan. An intermediate-level course, the class focuses on why inclusion is vital in post-secondary institutions and how leadership has and can further help to make these settings more inclusive. The class lasts for 5 weeks and is presented through a series of videos and accompanying reading. Each week, students must complete a graded assignment to show mastery of the concepts taught in the module.

Those who receive passing grades on all assignments will successfully pass the course and can receive a verified certificate of completion for a small fee.

Gender and Sexuality: Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace is an online course offered by the University of Pittsburgh. The class can be beneficial for anyone who wants to understand issues related to sex, gender, sexuality, and LGBTQIA rights in the work place, so that they can foster and champion diversity and inclusion in their places of business. Lasting for four weeks, the class is presented as a series of videos and related reading. The professor assigns graded case studies and exercises each week as well. To pass the course, students must receive a passing grade on each of these assignments.

Diversity and Social Justice in Social Work

Diversity and Social Justice in Social Work is an online course offered by the University of Michigan. Intended for individuals who are currently working in the field of social work or who are enrolled in graduate-level justice work programs, the class focuses on how social workers can engage diversity in their practices and champion human rights, social justice, and economic justice throughout their work. The class lasts for 8 weeks and requires 8 to 10 hours of study per week, as it is an advanced-level course. Videos, reading assignments and graded essays and activities are included in the challenging curriculum.