7. SEM I Public 1  Lectures and Talks on Character Development Education Singapore 2024, LTCDESP 2024 (Whole day)

7. 讲座(I)公开(一)2024年新加坡品德教育系列讲座(全天)

(This event will be conducted in Mandarin.)

In today's prosperous and technologically advanced society, human life is much richer and more comfortable than in the past. But unfortunately, disputes and wars between countries continue; adultery, theft, fraud, riots and killings in society are still emerging one after another. In the final analysis, it is due to the lack and decline of human morality. As a matter of urgency, we must call on everyone to revive moral education and cultivate good morals so that people can take every step of their lives well.

This series of lectures invites eight experienced educators to share their valuable experiences for everyone to learn from. We hope that everyone will work together to practice moral education and let good morals bring about more outstanding lives!

Date         : 13 July 2024, Saturday

Time         : 9am to 5pm

Location: Nan Hua High School

                      41 Clementi Ave 1, Singapore 129956.

Bus          : 14,33,52,96,97,105,106,147,151,154,165,166,183,185,188,189,196,197,198,667,963

(189 stop opp. the school, other bus routes require 4 to 11 minutes walk.)

Registration fee : Free

Enquiry number: 97826097



9.00am 开幕致辞

9.15am 主题演讲一(学校老师分享)

o 南洋小学费萌老师——《弟子规》的教与学

o 南华中学萧裕泉老师——仁者爱人 -- 南华中学品德教育之路

11.30am 主题演讲二

o 启化小学钟蔚芬校长——品德教育和孩子的未来

12.30pm 午餐时间



13.30pm 主题演讲

o 家庭教育:王国华校长——立德树人与家庭教育

o 社会教育:丁雁会长——平凡的脚印

16.00pm 座谈会——当今社会推广品德教育所面临的挑战

o 主持人:冯焕好院长

o 胡春河校长李金桦校长王国华校长

Organizer: Zhong Hua Cultural Society (Singapore)

Supporting organisation: Nan Hua High School