Profile of Mr Tay Boon Suat


Mr Tay Boon Suat, whose ancestral home is Ma Xiang, Tong'an District, in Fujian Province, is a consultant at ES Management Consultancy (陶朱公企业咨询).

He graduated from the former Nanyang University in 1975 with a Bachelor of Economics (Honors).

In 1977, he joined the Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO) as a regional economic researcher.

From 1981 to 2001, he was a manager of UOB Group for 20 years, during which time he was seconded to Tokyo, Japan as the Bank's representative for three years.

After leaving UOB, he joined the local SME consultant team of an USA institute - Success Motivation Institute (SMI).

His extensive experience in banking and corporate management is often sought after by local colleges and universities to give lectures. Since 1994, he frequently assist in the training of bank managers and senior executives from China on topics related to banking and finance.

He has served as a professional trainer on topics related to finance for the following colleges and universities:

·Nanyang Technological University

·Institute of Banking and Finance

·Singapore Institute of Management

·Civil Service College

·Export Institute of Singapore

·Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business

In addition, between 2005 and 2010, he was appointed twice by the Commissioner of Inland Revenue to participate as a member of the Taxpayer Feedback Panel. He is currently a member of the government's Bicultural Social Bonding Taskforce.

Mr Tay regularly writes articles on local SMEs for local newspapers and magazines.