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Using Score Inspector and Flags:

Working with Final Grades

Final grades are updated automatically throughout the term as you enter assignment scores in the gradebook. When the term comes to a close, however, you may have additional tasks to perform before submitting grades for report cards to make sure that your final grades are accurate. For example, you may have to enter standards grades and modify individual scores. Occasionally, you may also need to modify a student’s final grade in a course based on effort, participation, or other performance factors. To work with final grades, click Grading and use the links in the Grades section. Access the same links through the Quick Menu— the arrow next to the heading at the top of the grading pages.

To modify a final grade:

        1. Click Grading
        2. Click Traditional
        3. Click a student’s final grade
        4. In the Score Inspector, edit the student’s grade

*For example, change a letter grade of A- to A, and a percentage of 91 to 94.

5. Click Save

Notice that the student’s final grade cell has a small triangle in the upper-left corner, which indicates that the grade has been modified manually.

6. Open the Quick Menu and select Standards

7. Click a standards grade for the same student and edit it

*For example, change a score of 3 to 4.

8. Click Save

*To revert to the calculated grade, click the Undo icon in the Score Inspector.

Final Grades

Although final grades in PowerTeacher Pro are calculated automatically, you can force a recalculation, if necessary. Use the recalculate tool after making significant changes in the gradebook, such as adding multiple assignment scores for students who transferred from another class. Also, recalculate grades when your PowerSchool administrator changes a setting that affects the gradebook, such as the grade calculation formula.

To use the recalculate tool:

1. Click Settings

2. Select Recalculate Final Grades

3. Select the classes in which you are recalculating grades

4. To recalculate traditional grades, check Traditional Final Grades

5. To recalculate standards scores, check Standards Final Grades

6. Click Recalculate

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