Currency & Tipping Guidelines


The sol (S/) is the official currency of Peru. There are bills with denominations of 10, 20, 50, 100, and 200 soles. The American dollar is accepted in a large number of commercial establishments, restaurants, hotels, and gas stations, however, we recommend taking out some cash (sol) since some small places might not accept credit card, or charge an extra fee.

Tipping Guidelines

While you won't have to worry about tipping throughout the trip at meals, etc., we do encourage tips for our guides and drivers. We recommend a range below, and this is per adult traveler. Feel free to allocate this and give it at the end of the trip; no need to tip them at the end of each day.  Tipping can be done in Peruvian soles or dollars.

Guide  -$5-10 USD per person/ per day

Driver - $5 USD per person/ per day