
Self regulation is the ability to monitor and manage your energy states, emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in ways that are acceptable and produce positive results such as well-being, loving relationships, and learning.

Cookie Monster & Self-Regulation

Stress Management (Kids & Teens)

Self Care during Covid-19

Self Care/Small Practices

Wellness Tips

10 Awesome GIFs for Calm Breathing

Do Nothing for 2 Minutes

Calm Together: Click HERE

These challenging times remind us that it’s never enough to just look after ourselves. We must look after each other too. This is what it means to Calm Together.

In that spirit, we’ve handpicked some of our favorite meditations, sleep stories, movement exercises, journals, and music. All of the resources on this page are free to use, and to share. May they bring you, and those around you, peace.

50 Ways to Take a Break

Types of Self Care