6126 - Face Coverings

Face Coverings DCVPA Policy 6126

A. Policy Purpose

DCVPA recognizes the need for a healthy environment at the school. DCVPA adheres to the requirements determined by federal, state, UNCW, and local authorities in reducing the spread of the COVID-19 virus. This policy is adopted pursuant to Senate Bill 654 K-12 COVID-19 Provisions, effective August 30, 2021, as related to the use of face coverings. The purpose of this Face Coverings Policy is to define the protocols that shall apply.

B. Policy Scope

This policy shall apply to all faculty, staff, students, and visitors of DCVPA, including on transportation and during field trips.

C. Requirements and Suggestions

1) Students/staff must wear a mask for at least 10 days after symptom onset or testing positive for COVID-19, unless a mask use exemption applies. The proper use, wearing, and removal of well-fitting cloth face coverings, shall be required.

2) Students/staff should wear a mask for 10 days following an exposure to a person with COVID-19, unless a mask use exemption applies.

3) Students/staff who are at high risk for severe disease, are unvaccinated or are not up to date on vaccines, should wear a mask in indoor settings.

D. Exceptions

Exceptions to face coverings are for people who:

1) Should not wear a face covering due to any medical or behavioral condition or disability (including but not limited to, any person who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious or incapacitated, or is otherwise unable to put on or remove the face covering without assistance). Documentation and approval from the necessary administrators, including the Principal, will be required. However, the school will provide reasonable accommodations or modifications to this policy for persons with qualifying disabilities;

2) Is under two (2) years of age;

3) Is actively eating or drinking; because students cannot mask consistently during mealtimes, students should maintain physical distancing of a minimum of 3 feet to the fullest extent possible when actively eating. Other physical distancing requirements may be implemented by the school.

4) Is seeking to communicate with someone who is hearing-impaired in a way that requires the mouth to be visible;

5) Is working at home, or is alone in an office or in a personal vehicle;

6) Is sleeping, swimming, or playing in water;

7) Is temporarily removing his or her face covering to secure government or medical services or for identification purposes; and

8) Would be at risk from wearing a face covering at work or when doing particular activities, as determined by local, state, or federal regulations or workplace safety guidelines. Documentation and approval from the necessary administrators, including the Principal, will be required.

E. Proper Face Covering

1. To provide the greatest protection against the spread of COVID-19, face coverings must be worn properly. The face covering should completely cover the individual’s nose and mouth and fit snugly around the face with no gaps. Face coverings that have a nose wire (a metal strip along the top of the mask that is bent over the nose to fit the face covering close to the face) are recommended in order to prevent air from leaking out the top of the face covering.

2. Face coverings may be either disposable masks (also called surgical masks or medical procedure masks) made of multiple layers of non-woven material or cloth masks made of at least two layers of tightly-woven, washable, breathable fabric. For better fit and extra protection, a disposable mask may be worn underneath a cloth mask. Two disposable masks should not be worn together. Face shields, masks with exhalation valves or vents, single layer masks or masks made of thin fabric that don’t block light, scarves, ski masks, bandannas, and turtleneck collars do not qualify as face coverings for purposes of this policy.

F. Failure to Wear a Face Covering

1. Students

Face coverings will be provided to students who need them, including students who forget to bring their face coverings to school and students who are unable to afford them. No disciplinary action will be taken against a student for failure to bring a mask. Refusing to wear, intentionally removing, or inappropriately wearing a face covering in violation of this policy will lead to compliance conversations regarding expectations held with students and families as necessary.

2. Employees

Face coverings will be provided to employees who need them. Refusing to wear, intentionally removing, or inappropriately wearing a face covering in violation of this policy by an employee will addressed by the Principal as appropriate.

3. Visitors

Visitors will not be admitted into a school building or onto a school vehicle without wearing a face covering unless an Exception applies.

G. Monthly Review

At least once a month, the Chancellor shall review this policy for DCVPA and determine whether it should be modified.

Issued: March 7, 2022