4310 - Integrity, Responsibility and Self-control

Integrity, Responsibility and Self-control DCVPA Policy 4310

All students are expected to demonstrate responsibility and self-control. This expectation is directly related to the school’s educational objectives for students to learn to be responsible for and accept the consequences of their behavior and for students to respect cultural diversity and ideological differences. Responsibility and self-control also are critical for establishing and maintaining a safe, orderly and inviting environment.

A. Prohibited Behavior

In addition to any standards or rules established by the schools, the following behaviors are in violation of the standards of Integrity, Responsibility and Self-control and are specifically prohibited:

1. cheating, including the actual giving or receiving of any unauthorized assistance or the actual giving or receiving of an unfair advantage on any form of academic work;

2. plagiarizing, including copying the language, structure, idea and/or thought of another and representing it as one's own original work;

3. violating copyright laws, including the unauthorized reproduction, duplication and/or use of printed or electronic work, computer software, or other copyrighted material;

4. cursing or using vulgar, abusive or demeaning language toward another person; and 

5. playing abusive or dangerous tricks or otherwise subjecting a student or an employee to personal indignity.

B. Consequences

The disciplinary consequences for violations of this policy shall be consistent with Section D of policy 4300, Student Behavior Policies.

Issued: October 15, 2018