4325 - Drugs and Alcohol (students)

Drugs and Alcohol (students) DCVPA Policy 4325

Unauthorized or illegal drugs and alcohol are a threat to safe and orderly schools and will not be tolerated.

A. Prohibited Behavior

Students are prohibited from possessing, using, transmitting, selling or being under the influence of any

of the following substances:

1. narcotic drugs;

2. hallucinogenic drugs;

3. amphetamines;

4. barbiturates;

5. marijuana or any other controlled substance;

6. synthetic stimulants, such as MDPV and mephedrone (e.g., "bath salts"), and synthetic cannabinoids (e.g., "Spice," "K2");

7. any alcoholic beverage, malt beverage, fortified or unfortified wine or other intoxicating liquor; or

8. any chemicals, substances or products procured or used with the intention of bringing about a state of exhilaration or euphoria or of otherwise altering the student's mood or behavior.

Students also are prohibited from possessing, using, transmitting or selling drug paraphernalia or counterfeit (fake) drugs. Students may not participate in any way in the selling or transmitting of prohibited substances, regardless of whether the sale or transmission ultimately occurs on school property.

Possession or use of prescription and over-the-counter drugs is not in violation of this policy if such drugs are possessed and used in accordance with policy 6125, Administering Medicines to Students. The principal may authorize other lawful uses of substances that are otherwise prohibited by this policy, such as for approved school projects.

B. Consequences

As required by policy 4335, Criminal Behavior, the principal must report to the appropriate law enforcement agency any student who has used or possessed prohibited substances in violation of this policy.

The disciplinary consequences for violations of this policy shall be consistent with Section D of policy 4300, Student Behavior Policies. The Dean or designee shall list in the Code of Student Conduct the specific range of consequences that may be imposed on a student for violations of this policy.

Issued: July 12, 2018