5028 - Automated External Defibrillator

Automated External Defibrillator 5028

DCVPA is committed to providing a healthy and safe environment for its students, employees, and visitors. To provide opportunities for assistance to individuals who experience sudden cardiac arrest on school property, DCVPA authorizes the placement of automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) in designated locations and at designated events to be accessed by medical practitioners and other trained persons.

To the extent funding, staff, and training are available, DCVPA is authorized to acquire AEDs for use at designated locations and events. DCVPA is further authorized to develop a program to address access to and training, use, and maintenance of AEDs in the school. All such AEDs and any program developed must comply with the requirements of state and federal law.

DCVPA, in consultation as needed with medical professionals trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and AED use, shall develop procedures to implement this policy. Procedures must include information regarding:

1. Medical/healthcare provider oversight: Choice of AED devices will be made in consultation with a physician licensed by the state of North Carolina. Preference will be given to machines that offer both adult and child settings. The type of AED product must be one that is approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration.

2. CPR and AED use training for anticipated responders: Training will be completed in accordance with nationally recognized training programs including those approved and provided by the American Heart Association or American Red Cross. Appropriate records of training will be maintained. 

3. Coordination with the emergency medical services (EMS) system: Appropriate local EMS officials must be notified of the location and most recent placement of AEDs within a reasonable period of time of placement.

4. Appropriate device maintenance and testing.

5. Placement of AEDs.

DCVPA shall designate a program coordinator to manage the AED program in the schools.

Nothing in this policy should be construed to require the presence or use of an AED on school property or at school sponsored events, unless otherwise required by law. DCVPA cannot and does not guarantee that an AED or a person trained in its use will be available at any particular school site or school-sponsored event.

UNCW (including DCVPA) and its employees expressly reserve all immunities from civil liability which are available to them under state or federal law, including governmental immunity and the statutory immunities set forth in North Carolina General Statutes 90-21.14, 90-21.15 and 115C-375.1 and federal statute 42 U.S.C. 238q. 

Legal References: G. S. 90-21.14, -21.15; 115C-375.1; 42 U.S.C. 238q

Issued: July 12, 2018