
Program Instructor

Ross Hollon



PrograM Overview

The Basic Shielded Metal Arc Welder certificate program prepares students for careers in the welding and joining industry. This certificate emphasizes arc welding in the flat position and is prerequisite to the advanced certificate, OSM1: Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welder.  The advanced program provides instruction in shielded metal arc welding in the overhead, horizontal, and vertical positions. 

Career opportunities: Graduates are employable at an entry level in the welding field. 

Program Snapshot

Program DE Requirement:

24 credits (out of 30 max)

Required Program Courses:

Total College Credits Earned: 


Total High School Credits Earned:


Technical Certificates Earned:

Program Length: 

2 semesters (fall and spring)

*optional second-year/advanced level*

Estimated Cost:

Approximately $325

Cost breakdown:

** This program is an Accelerated Career graduation pathway**

Program Registration

Program registration is open from October- May each school year. Program enrollment is determined on a first come first serve basis. Students must meet all admission requirements to be enrolled in a CCI program.  Additionally, all required registration steps must be submitted for an application to be considered complete.  Enrollment status notification is sent out in mid to late May each year via the student's DCSS email. To review admission requirements, please visit the Admission Requirements page. To apply, please visit the Registration page.