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Imperfect tense

Present progressive and irregular gerunds.pdf
Present progressive .pdf

el 7 de octubre

Unit 2a: Reflexive Verbs

Make sure you know what "reflexive" means! Copy definitions 1a and 3 in your notes.

9 de sep - 23 de sep

Units 1a & 1b: school vocab, hace + time, gustar/similar verbs, saber/conocer, verb constructions

Write this additional Unit 1B vocab in your packet on the 2nd page where it says "Otro vocabulario que aprendiste"

Saber v conocer

Saber: used for knowing facts/information, and for knowing how to do something (saber + infinitive)

Conocer: used for expressing familiarity with people, places and things.

Practice talking about school with this script (at left) that we used for El Doctor Loco. Make sure you know the verb constructions below!!

12 ago-23 ago

Para Empezar

Above are the conjugations for a pirates favorite type of regular verb in Spanish. Can you recite from memory the conjugations of -ER and -IR verbs?

Can you answer these questions a la izquierda with accuracy and consistency?