6th Form Options 2025/26
beCOME A dchs 6th Former!
Effective relationships are the key to positive outcomes. At the core of our work we strive to ensure that Sixth Form at DCHS aims to inspire lifelong success by building positive relationships that enable young people to become purposeful, creative and curious individuals who contribute to the global community. We are determined to provide our students with great outcomes and puposeful experiences to develop into young adults ready to succeed beyond DCHS.
Alongside a first class pastoral offer and a determination to work with you to be the very best version of the person you are, we look forward to welcoming you to our 6th Form and we hope you are inspired and choose DCHS 6th Form to continue your studies in September 2025.
Please explore our Virtual Options Site to find out more about what we stand for and what we hope a DCHS 6th former looks like when they leave us for their next steps at the end of Year 13.