Faculty Publications


Nadeem Ahmad

  • Research paper titled “Fluoride and Children's Health in India: District Level Analysis”, with one Co-author has been published in a journal “Towards Excellence”, HRDC, September, 2022, Volume 14, Issue No. 3. ISSN NO. 0974-035X.


Nadeem Ahmad

  • Research paper titled “Socioeconomic Inequality in Catastrophic Health expenditure among Households in India: Decomposition Analysis”, with two co-authors has been published in a journal “Indian Economic Review”, Springer, 11 August, 2020, 55(2), 339-369] [DOI: 10.1007/s41775-020-00093-3].

  • Research paper with two other authors titled “Measuring Socio-economic Inequality in Self-Reported Morbidity in India: Decomposition Analysis”, has been published in a journal “Review of Development and Change” SAGE, 18 May, 2020, 25(1), 89-111.] [DOI: 10.1177/0972266120916317].


Dr. Jitender Kumar

  • Published Research paper on a topic “Impact of financial institutions on the MSMEs Productivity: A Case study of Ambala District of Haryana state” in International Journal of 360 Management Review, ISSN No. 2320-7132, volume-06, Issue-01, April, 2018, Page 82-93, by Jitenderkumar.

  • Published Research paper on a topic “Contribution of Financial Institutions in the growth of MSMEs in Ambala District of Haryana state” in International Journal of 360 Management Review, ISSN No. 2320-7132, volume-06, Issue-01, April, 2018, Page 71-81, by Jitenderkumar.

Juhi Lohani Harjani

  • “Factors affecting OFDI in Indian Manufacturing Firms: Technical Analysis”, International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, 2018.


Nadeem Ahmad

  • Research Paper titled “Health shock, catastrophic expenditure and its consequences on welfare of the household engaged in informal sector”, has been published with a co-author in a journal “Journal of Public Health” Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2017. [DOI 10.1007/s10389-017-0829-9].

  • Research Paper titled “The Dilemma of Maternal Employment: A Boon or Bane for Child Health”, has been published in a journal “South Asia Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies” Volume 3, No 6 (2017). ISSN No. 2395-1079. [http://journals.edwin.co.in/index.php/esajms/article/view/2938].

  • Research Paper titled “Degree and Pattern of Regional Heterogeneity in Child health: a Principal Component Analysis Approach”, has been published in a journal “International Journal of Socio-legal Analysis and Rural Development” Volume 3 (2017). ISSN No. 2455-4049.

Juhi Lohani Harjani

  • “Impact of Trade Liberalization on Employment in the Indian Manufacturing Sector”, International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Studies, March 2017.(ISSN-2394-6288)

  • “Logistical Techniques on measuring road roughness using mobile applications and further comparing road roughness of PPP and non PPP roads”, iJARS International Journal of Economics and Commerce, May 2017 (ISSN-2455-149X,VOLUME-III,Issue 3 )

  • “Determinants of OFDI: A study of Indian Manufacturing Firms”, iJARS International Journal of Economics and Commerce, 2017.


Nadeem Ahmad

  • Research Paper titled “The Impact of Fluoride Contamination in Ground Water on Public Health in India: Evidence from Skeletal Disease and Dental Disease”, has been published with a co-author in a journal “Journal of Water Pollution and Purification Research” Volume 3, No 2 (2016). ISSN No. 2394-7306. [http://techjournals.stmjournals.in/index.php/JoWPPR/article/view/341]

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