Dates & Deadlines

Exchange students attend Dartmouth in all four terms! The dates and processes associated with registering and arriving are a bit different for each term. Students will receive a Welcome Letter with term-specific instructions on preparing for their arrival about three months before the start of their program. In the meantime, the following information can be a helpful reference.

For more information on dates and deadlines at Dartmouth, view the detailed academic calendar, and the Registration Schedule for details on the course election process (students starting in the fall should reference the Entering Students section). 

Summer '24


Application Due: early March

Acceptance Notice:

Commitment Deadline:
mid March


Welcome Letter:  Sent in mid March

Visa Instructions: Sent in late March

Full access to DartHub:
60 days before term begins

Housing Registration:
Early-mid April

Course Timetable:
Available April 19th 

Course Election:
April 24th - May 2nd

Course Changes:
May 10th - 29th

Billing: Available in Mid-May, due by Mid-June


Move-in: June 18th-19th

Exchange Orientation:
June 19th

Dates of Term

Classes Start: June 20th

Add/Drop: June 20th-26th

Exams End: August 27th

Dorms close: August 27th

Fall '24


Application Due: Mid-April

Acceptance Notice:
Mid-late April

Commitment Deadline: 
April 30th


Welcome Letter:  Sent by early June

Visa Instructions: Sent by early June

Full access to DartHub:
60 days before term begins

Housing Registration:
Early-mid June

Course Timetable:
Available May 3rd

Course Election:
September 13th 

Course Changes:
Sept. 14th - Sept. 15th

Billing: Available in early August, due by late August


Move-in: Sept. 14th-15th
*See notes below*

Exchange Orientation:
Sept. 15th

Dates of Term

Classes Start: Sept. 16th

Add/Drop: Sept. 16th-29th

Exams End: November 27th

Dorms close: November 27th

Winter '25


Application Due: Mid-April

Acceptance Notice:
Mid-late April

Commitment Deadline: 
April 30th


Welcome Letter:  Sent by early Sept.

Visa Instructions: Sent by early June

Full access to DartHub:
60 days before term begins

Housing Registration:
Early-mid Oct.

Course Timetable:
Available Oct. 25th

Course Election:
Oct. 30th - Nov. 7th

Course Changes:
Nov. 15th - 19th

Billing: Available in late Nov., due by Mid-December


Move-in: Jan. 4th-5th

Exchange Orientation:
Jan. 5th

Dates of Term

Classes Start: January 6th

Add/Drop: Jan. 6th - 19th

Exams End: March 14th

Dorms close: March 14th

Spring '25


Application Due: Mid-April

Acceptance Notice:
Mid-late April

Commitment Deadline: 
April 30th


Welcome Letter:  Sent by early January

Visa Instructions: Sent by early June 

Full access to DartHub:
60 days before term begins

Housing Registration:
Early-mid Jan.

Course Timetable:
Available Feb. 7th

Course Election:
Feb. 12th - 20th

Course Changes:
Feb. 28th - March 7th

Billing: Available in mid-Feb., due by early-March


Move-in: March 29th-30th

Exchange Orientation: March 30th                     

Dates of Term

Classes Start: March 31st

Add/Drop: March 31st-April 13th

Exams End: June 10th

Dorms close: June 10th

**Arrival/Move-In Options for Fall Term Starts**

Students who begin their exchange at Dartmouth in the fall may arrive earlier than the regular move-in weekend in order to participate in either a First-Year Trip (FYT) and/or the New Student Orientation (NSO). While the FYT and NSO are intended for matriculating, first-year students, exchange students can join them if they choose for some additional cost. As these are optional events, the cost is not covered by the exchange. Instead, students will receive a bill from the College and will pay that independently.

First Year Trips (FYT)
Exchange students who will be at Dartmouth for the full academic year are eligible to participate in a FYT. The FYT office will contact eligible students in June regarding sign-up and other details. Students who participate on a FYT will arrive on September 4th. The cost of a FYT is usually about $350. If you participate in a FYT you will also participate in the NSO.

New Student Orientation (NSO)
All exchange students arriving in the fall are eligible to join the NSO. The NSO takes place the week before the term begins and is intended as a thorough introduction to Dartmouth for freshman and transfer students. Some of the programming is not relevant to exchange students, but some find it a helpful way to meet people and get to know the College. 

To sign up for the NSO you will update the Housing Portal in DartHub with a move-in time that aligns with this program. Students who participate in the NSO will arrive on September 8th. The cost of the NSO is usually about $450.

Regular Move-in Weekend
Students can also choose to move in during the regular move-in weekend of September 14th-15th along with all of the returning students. There is no additional charge to move-in on this weekend. Students should be aware that we will host a mandatory exchange orientation on September 15th. This orientation usually starts around 10 AM, so students should be on campus by then in order to participate.