Fourth Grade

In fourth grade, students are introduced to the idea of architecture as art. Notable buildings and architects are studied as well as neighborhood residences. We cover contemporary as well as historic architecture. In addition, students learn a variety of drawing techniques, including creating the illusion of depth in their artworks.

Fourth Grade Art Vocabulary

"I Can" Statements


I can use lines to show depth (one-point perspective).

I can create architecture with shapes.

I can indicate a light source using highlights and shadows.

I can mix color to create a range of values.

I can manipulate a surface to create texture.

I can explore and solve spatial problems.

I can create unity through repetition.

Clay: I can create a slab (rolling pin) constructed clay form using geometric or drape techniques with stamping and additive relief to embellish the surface.

Mark-Making: I can use lines to show depth (one-point perspective).

Mark-Making: I can indicate a light source using highlights and light colors or values.

Mark-Making: I can mix color to create a range of values.


I can recognize various styles of architecture.

I can create art using architecture as inspiration.


I can identify basic architectural elements/forms (column, arch, skyscraper).

I can compare basic architectural elements in historic and modern architecture.

I can identify monochromatic colors.

I can identify strategies to create depth: overlapping, size, placement, and perspective.

I can identify positive and negative space.

I can identify different media (materials) and tools for making two and three dimensional art.


I can compare and contrast various styles of architecture in different parts of the world.

I can respectfully discuss my art and the art of others using art vocabulary.

I can create an artist's statement.


Art as Architecture