Core Values

creativity + student voice & choice + anytime anywhere learning


Most learning tools, including iPad devices, are best leveraged when they are used to create and communicate important ideas.

The National Education Technology Plan works to reimagine the role of technology in education. It argues that student tools should focus on active, creative use.

Image shows two sections. Passive Use and Active Use. For passive use on the left, there is a picture of a kid laying on a couch holding a technology device. It has a note that says, "Simply consuming media or completing digitized worksheets falls short." For Active Use on the right there is a picture of two hands holding an iPad with a lightbulb in the center. Around that iPad there are various bubbles representing active use: Coding, Immersive simulation, Media production, Interaction with experts, Global connections, Design, and Peer Collaboration

Please frequently reflect on the amount of time students are consuming media (reading online articles, watching an instructional video, listening to a podcast) or practicing skills (phonics games, fact fluency applications, routines) versus actively using their tools (collaborating with peers on a presentation, creating their own media, completing a metacognitive reflection, interacting with experts in a video chat, etc). While passive use has a fundamental place in teaching and learning, we want to balance it with at least as much creation to activate the highest levels of engagement and learning.

Image has artwork of two brown hands holding an iPad with science information on it, headphones, and a stylus. As always, both digitally and offline, we hope students are provided with resources that enable them to spend the majority of their time as active Content Creators.


As a community, we work to design educational spaces where students are self-sufficient. Expert educators craft opportunities for learners to take responsibility for their own learning- allowing them to study material that matters to them and make choices in how that exploration unfolds. Personalized learning with digital tools honors student voice and choice.

Image of girl in graduation cap and a bubble next to her that says, "Student Voice".

The entire system benefits when our community listens to feedback from students and involves them in the decision making process. For that reason, we aim to utilize digital tools as a method to amplify what students have to share with the world.

Classrooms honor student voice when students have a platform to express their ideas and opinions about topics relevant to their lives.

Note: student talk and discussion are not always the same as student voice. While student voice can be said aloud or written down- a key litmus test to decide when classrooms honor student voice is to look for whether the information they're sharing reflects their opinions and connects learning material to their lives.

Ideally, classrooms integrate common, curricular learning objectives with student choice in how the objectives are accessed.

When provided choice over what, when, where, and/or how they learn, teachers help students personalize learning.

Teachers might provide choice around the content that is covered, the process in which each student learns, and the methods used to convey learning. Structured choices honor individual needs, interests, and learning styles. With technology, students might be given choice in how they demonstrate their understanding or what tools they utilize to communicate that knowledge.


Learning opportunities come when we plan for them and when we don't. Students need access to learning tools without the limitation of the clock or location.

Portable and durable devices allow students to work more naturally in a classroom setting, sitting in a group on the floor or in the hallway, on an outdoor learning activity or field trip, and at home. By having access to this device throughout the day and on non school days students will have a tool to spark their curiosity chasing down authentic questions.

The Universal Design for Learning model is about teachers providing equitable opportunities for all students to learn and be successful. It involves removing barriers a student may have to learn. Accessibility settings such as VoiceOver, Zoom, Assistive Touch, and Keyboard Language settings are available for all learners including, but not limited to, EL learners, those with learning or attention issues, or students with physical challenges. These accessibility settings should be incorporated into everyday device usage for any user that would benefit from them.