nichols news

May 10, 2024

Upcoming Events

Check out the Daily Announcements for more details on upcoming events.

May 10th -8th Grade Step-Up Dance at CVU

May 17th - Exit Experience for Seniors - No School for 9-11 grades

May 18th - Prom - Old Lantern

May 22nd - 28th - Wrap Up Week

May 27th - No School - Memorial Day

May 29th - Harbor Day

May 30th - Jun 11th - RISE

June 14th - CVU Graduation at UVM

Environmental Science - Sam Parker

This week in Science class we...

Next week students will be reviewing for their final modeling summative assessment. To prepare for this assessment students can continue working on their practice model of antibiotic resistance. There is also additional practice in the classroom students can take to practice with as well.

If you have any questions please feel free to communicate with at

Math 1: Mark Pogact

Summary of Week 32:

Next Week

This week students were introduced to the strategy called elimination - to solve systems of linear equations. Using the task "Apples & Bananas," students realized that they can eliminate one of the variables to then solve for the other. The task, "Pizza & Wings," showed that students sometimes need to double or triple the equation to make a variable eliminate.

Next week, students will practice using elimination and substitution to solve systems.  See your student's Google Classroom for classwork, documents, and assignments.

Questions? Email me at 

Math 2 

Summary of Week 32:

Next Week

This week, students reviewed solving quadratic equations by factoring and undoing. Then students took a summative on that skill. 

Next week, students will review writing quadratic equations from a graph. Then students will investigate and practice writing quadratic equations from a table.  The summative on this skill will be assessed during Wrap Up Week.  See your student's Google Classroom for classwork, documents, and assignments.

Questions? Email me at 

Wellness: Personal Health 


In our social studies class, we have been delving into Western Philosophy, particularly focusing on Plato's Allegory of the Cave. Students have been impressively engaging with this complex concept. Next week, we'll conclude our discussion on The Allegory of The Cave and then watch The Matrix, a contemporary interpretation of Plato's Allegory. Permission slips for the movie were sent home this week and are expected to be returned by Monday or Tuesday.

In English we continued practicing our close reading skills. This week we focused on "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut. Students also independently analyzed contemporary poems ("Caged Bird" by Maya Angelou, "Be Nobody's Darling" by Alice Walker, "When Death Comes" by Mary Oliver, and "Nani" by Alberto Rios) and shared out. Next week students will have the opportunity to reassess on our relationships (analysis) target and any of our other writing targets (organization and purpose) if they choose to.

Dinner Table Talk

Reading Corner