Recent Grant Recipients

Each year, PiE designates a portion of its budget to qualified grant applicants from within the school community. These grants are designed to encourage creativity and meet needs that are beyond the typical school budget. Grants are awarded early in the school year so staff can implement their ideas during the current school year.

PiE has granted over $22,000 since the program first started in 2012, with a dedicated committee of volunteers working with the Co-Principals to review and assess the applications and make the final decisions on an annual babsis. This year, the grant committee received 11 applications totaling over $8,000. With a current budget of $2,000, here are this year's recipents of the PiE Grant funds.

Bee Bots in 1st Grade

K-2 Bee-Bots (coding robots)

Five "Bee Bot" robots were awarded to Anne Pius, HCS Digital Learning Leader, that will allow K-2 students to be introduced to coding and procedures in smaller groups for coding challenges, and help to transition them up to online coding activities.

The Bee Bots provide a hands-on learning experience and engagement is 100%. Aside from learning directions (left/right, forward/backward) students can estimate distance, use meter sticks for measurement, correct coding mistakes in an iterative design process (by making mistakes, strategizing to find the errors, and improve the code). Students and teachers can also use the robots across the curriculum for mapping, math, and spelling challenges.

Middle School Math Games

Various math games, including Muggins, Knockout, Othello, and several decks of cards were added to the middle school to support a math recess opportunity. This "math recess" will take place during a study hall block and will provide students with the opportunity to do math for pleasure in the form of logic and numeracy games.

7th Graders enjoying new math games

6th Graders building their RC cars

Remote Control Cars for Middle School for Social Emotional Learning Groups

Several Remote Control Car building kits were purchased for the use of several small groups to work on with their peers. The goals of each group differ but used to help students connect with their peers, develope social cognition skills, improve a sense of school belonging, increase positive coping mechanisms, decrease stress, and work on executive function. The Remote Control cars will be used to engage students in hands-on learning STEM projects while providing an improved sense of friendship and belonging.

3rd Grade Flexible Seating

PiE was able to add some additional flexible seating items for 3rd grade. They include: bean bags, wobbly chairs, stadium seats, etc. Students often need alternative seating throughout the day to maintain their attention and interest in learning. These seats provide an alternative to traditional desks to help keep students alert, engaged, and focused throughout the day.

Flexible seating in Ms. Wallis' Classroom

"The Talk: Conversations about Race, Love & Truth" for Middle School

Eight copies of "The Talk: Conversations about Race, Love & Truth" by Wade Hudson were purchased for Jen Bradford, Special Educator. This book contains a selection of short, readable, relevant stories, poems, and vignettes that will be used as a springboard to begin to have conversations about race with students in ways that are intentional, thoughtful and horizon-expanding.