Physical Education

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to the Castro Valley High School Physical Education Website. We are delighted to have your student in our classrooms this year and look forward to providing them with a cornucopia of educational and physical fitness opportunities. As educators, we will endeavor to create a partnership with you and your student that will foster courage, determination, and a passion for health and fitness. In addition to this, our commitment as educators will be to provide your student with a safe, supportive, challenging and educational environment that will ensure their success this year and for life.

Through our strong partnership, open lines of communication and utilization of common assessments/content standards, we will ensure our department's goal of having your child reach THEIR full potential will be realized. Please look for future communications (course syllabus) regarding behavior policies, classroom expectations, grading procedures, and daily schedules. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank each one of you in advance for both your continued support and partnership for the upcoming school year.

We look for PROGRESS not PERFECTION. We look forward to meeting you soon.


Short video about Physical Education.