Duo Push - Login Experience

Duo Mobile logo showing a blue Open button.

If you selected "mobile phone" (with the Duo Mobile app) as your Duo phone type, please use these instructions when logging onto a Cardinal Station system which requires Duo authentication.

Note: this is the recommended method for logging in with Duo.

  1. Navigate to the needed Cardinal Station system.
  2. Have your smartphone close by.
  3. Type your Cardinal Credentials User ID and Password.
    • NOTE: If you are using automatic Duo Push, you do not have to type any additional information. Otherwise see Duo authentication methods for additional instructions.
  4. Click the “Sign In” button.
Cardinal Financials logon page showing the User ID and Password text boxes and the green Sign In button.

5. On your smartphone: Wait for the notification from Duo.

6. Click the notification message on your smartphone to launch the Duo Mobile app.

Smartphone notification message from the Duo Mobile app with text "Login request: LDAP Proxy".

7. The Duo Mobile App opens.

    • NOTE: If you have missed the notification or the app didn't launch automatically, then:
      • Unlock your phone.
      • Open the Duo Mobile app.
      • At the top of the screen will be a green “Request Waiting” message. If you don't see it, pull the screen down to refresh the app window.

8. Tap on the green "Request Waiting" message and continue with the steps below.

Duo Mobile app screen showing The Catholic University of America and a green "Request Waiting. Tap to Respond" notice.

9. Tap the green "Approve" button to approve your Cardinal Financials logon.

10. When you return to your computer screen, you will find you have logged into Cardinal Financials.

Duo Mobile app screen showing The Catholic University of America "LDAP Proxy" request page, with green Approve and red Deny buttons.