Duo - FAQ

What do I do if I have login problems?

General: If a login fails you will receive a generic login error message on the login screen which will indicate that your “Username and/or Password” are incorrect. Please keep in mind that this error message will also be shown if you do not respond to your required second factor authentication.

Recent password reset: If you have reset your password recently, please clear your browser's history and cache as that often resolves any types of login issues.

Phone change: If you have recently changed phones and are using the Duo Push option to authenticate, please reach out to techsupport@cua.edu to reactivate the Duo Mobile App.

For Cardinal Financials only: Please be certain you are connecting to Cardinal Financials from the campus network or, if off-campus, that you are connected to a Catholic University VPN.

If you are still having trouble, please email techsupport@cua.edu or contact the Service Desk at 202-319-4357 (-HELP).

What do I do if I have a new phone and was using the Duo Mobile app with my old phone?

Please install the free Duo Mobile App on your new phone, and email techsupport@cua.edu so that we may assist you.

What do I do if I have forgotten to bring my registered phone?

Please email techsupport@cua.edu to alert us of this issue and we will set up an alternative solution.

Do I need to pay to download the Duo Mobile App?

No, the app is free. You can download the app from your mobile device’s app store (Apple App store, Google Play store).

How do I download the DUO app if I do not want to add a credit card to my app-store account?

For Apple iOS users

To download from the Apple App Store, you need an Apple ID account (this is an Apple requirement, not specific to DUO). During the Apple ID set up, you are asked to provide a form of payment. You may choose not to share any payment information at that time. However, some sort of “funding” needs to be set up in the account to download even free apps. You may be able to register a gift card.

For Google Android users

To download from the Google Play store, you need a Google account. During the Google account set up, you may be asked to provide a form of payment. You may choose not to share any payment information at that time. However, some sort of “funding” needs to be set up in the account to download even free apps. You may be able to register a gift card.

How much WiFi or cellular data does the Duo Mobile app use?

Very little. One authentication uses 2 KB. To put this into perspective, 500 authentications will use 1 MB of data. Which is well less than the average 3 MB it takes to download just one web page on your device’s browser.

Do I need to enable notifications for the Duo Mobile app?

Duo Mobile does ask your permission to send notifications to your mobile device. We recommend that you enable this feature, as that will allow the app to send a “push notification” to your phone's screen - just like a text message. Duo will send such a notification only when Duo is being invoked as part of a logon to Cardinal Station, a VPN connection or other university applications.

You can manage notifications in your device Settings.

Why does the Duo Mobile app need access to my device’s camera?

The app needs access your camera to scan the QR code during the initial activation. After the enrollment is complete, you may disable the camera access completely using your phone's Settings.

What information does the Duo Mobile app collect about me?

Duo describes in a “Knowledge Base” article the information that the app collects: https://help.duo.com/s/article/2939?language=en_US. The article explains that “Duo only collects information required to provide and improve the service and provided by the device by default. Device information that counts as Performance Data gets de-identified and used for analytical purposes.” Please read the Duo article linked above for more details.

Can I use the app if I am out of range and my phone does not have any WiFi or cellular connection at all?

Yes, you can. Just open the app and click on the down arrow, as shown in the picture. A one-time authentication code will be generated and displayed. No internet connection or cellular signal is needed to generate these passcodes.

NOTE: You will need to get a new number from the app each time you log in.

Will I be charged for using phone callback or SMS mobile passcodes?

The phone call or SMS from Duo is the same as any other call or SMS that you receive, so the answer depends on the service plan associated with your phone. If your total calls and texts stay under the limits specified by your service plan, there is no additional charge. Inbound voice calls to your university phone are included in the monthly Cardinal Voice charge paid by your department, so there is no additional charge in that situation.

Can I set up more than one phone number?

Yes, if you would like to set up more than one phone number please email techsupport@cua.edu and we configure a second phone number. Please keep in mind that during logon you will have to identify which phone to call.

How can I troubleshoot Duo Push notification issues?

For Apple iOS users

Duo provides information on how you can troubleshoot the Duo Mobile App if you are experiencing issues. For Apple iOS users only, there is an option to troubleshoot within the Duo Mobile App itself. For instructions, please click here.

For Google Android users

Duo provides information on how you can troubleshoot the Duo Mobile App if you are experiencing issues. Please click here to view the article.

Please note you can always open a ticket or reach out to techsupport@cua.edu for assistance.