

Session Details

Expert/Speaker Details

Outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights:  

Participant details

Total No. of Student participation: 43

Total No.of Faculty participation  :


Session Details

Title of the Session : National Technology Day

Date: 11.5.23

Duration : 2 HOURS

Activity Category: MIC Driven 

Theme : IPR & Technology Transfer


An aim to commemorate the achievements of scientists, researchers, engineers and all others involved in the field of science and technology.

The outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights:

Recognition and Celebration

Promoting Technological Awareness

Encouraging Research and Innovation

Participant details

Total No. of Student participation : 31

Total no. of Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) participation: 2


Session Details

Title of the Session : Certificate Courses in Mehendi, Aari designing and stock market 

Date: 10/04/2023 – 04/05/2023

Duration : 20 days (30 hours)

Activity Category: Self Driven

Theme: Entrepreneurship and Startup

Expert/Speaker Details

Name:Thajun Alifia, Vasunthra,Jenita Rani

Designation: Mehendi ,Aari designing Artists and stock market trader; Students of III B.Com   ( Accounting and Finance)

Organization: Chevalier T. Thomas Elizabeth College for Women, Perambur, Chennai -600011

Brief about Experts:


-To create women entrepreneurs

-To make a self sustaining model of CTTE Skill building student trainers

Outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights

Participant details

Hands on practice was given to the students

Student's Work


Session Details

Title of the Session: Workshop on Process Design Development

Date:  21 April 2023

Duration:  2 PM – 3 PM

Activity Category: IIC 

Theme: Process Design Development

Resource Person Details


Outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights:  

This session made the students to think in an alternative ways.

One-year Milir Report was read during Milir day.

The Students interacted with the resource person and came up various ideas.

Participant details


Title of the Session : Legal and Ethical Guidelines for Startup business 

Date: 10/04/2023 

Duration : 2 hours

Activity Category: IIC activity 

Theme: Entrepreneurship/Startup 

Expert/Speaker Details:

Name: Malarvizhi. P

Designation: Assistant Professor in Commerce and President & Innovation Ambassador-IIC

Organization: CTTE College For Women


To educate the participants about the manner in which a business have to be started

Outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights

Startup business.  

Participant details:

Total No. of Student participation:45 

Total no.of Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) participation:  1 


Session Detail

Resource Person Details


The outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights

The main motive of this  session was to develop the participants' skills and motivate them to start a business. Based on this session they learnt how to use the tools and equipment of the bakery unit and their usages.

Apart from the syllabus the participants eagerly asked about the preparation of making various products. They also  learnt about various products used in bakeries and their brand names and where to purchase them. The participants learnt   not only in theoretical manner but also in practical ways that helped them  to improve their self confidence.The students came out with entrepreneurial skills and they have  ideas to start their own bakery.This training workshop enable the students to live as independent women in future.

The following items were made by the trainees with guidelines of resource  person





Participant details

Total No. of Student participation : 31

Total no. of Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) participation: 2


Session Details

Title of the Session :  Cookathon-Internal Hackathon

Date : 01/03/2023

Duration 9.00 a.m to 11.00 a.m

Activity Category:  Self Driven 

Theme: Pre-Incubation & Incubation Management


On account of International Year of Millets, IIC conducted a Cookathon competition.The theme of the competition was Millet based recipes. India being the largest producer of Millets, shares the greatest responsibility of popularizing the millet based recipes and its health benefits. 5 teams participated in the competition. Exotic and innovative recipes were prepared by the students. A short video of the method of cooking and charts displaying the nutritional values were also presented in the venue.

The outcome of the activity:

The students were able to :

Prepare delicious food and enjoy the taste of traditional millet-based food items.

Understand the nutritional values of Millets

Develop their cooking skills and realised the commercial value of millet recipes

Participant details

Cookathon- Display of Millet based dishes

Interaction with Vice Principal 

Cookathon Participants with Vice Principal


Session Details

Title of the Session : Aari work skill development program 

Date  : 22/02/2023 – 24-03/2023 

Duration : 20 days 

Activity Category : Self Driven

Theme : Entrepreneurship/startup

Expert/Speaker Details

Name : 1. Ms. Sujatha Kannan 2. Ms. Parimala  3. Ms. Renuga .S

Designation : 1. B.Sc. Fashion Designing  2. Diploma in Traditional Embroidery and Hand addawala  3. Certificate in Aari Designing

Organization : Ooviyaas, Government Skill Training Provider

Brief about Expert/Speaker : All the three trainers are with several years of experience attached to Ooviyaas, Government Skill Training Provider under NIESBUD


Outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights

Participant details

Total No. of Student participation: 165

Total no. of Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) participation: 07


Session Details

Title of the Session : Panel discussion on Diversity in Education 

Date : 14/03/2023

Duration : 3 hours

Activity Category:  MIC - In Celebration of India’s Presidency of the G 20 (A step towards “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” “ One Earth, One Family, One Future” )

Theme: Entrepreneurship/ Startup

Expert/Speaker Details


To enlighten the participants about the significance of India’s presidency of G20

Outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights

Participant details

Total no.  of faculty participants: 04 


Session Details

Resource Person Details  

Brief about Expert/Speaker : Dr. P. Malarvizhi has 28 years of teaching experience and has been the resource person at various events. She is a NEN trained entrepreneurship educator.


The outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights :  

Participant details

Total No. of Student participation : 69

Total no. of Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) participation:


Session Details

Title of the Session: Preparation of Business Model Canvas 

Date: 15/03/2023

Duration : 3 hours

Activity Category: IIC Calender 

Theme: Entrepreneurship/ Startup

Expert/Speaker Details

Name: Dr. P. Malarvizhi

Designation: Assistant Professor in Commerce and President & Innovation Ambassador-IIC

Organization: CTTE College For Women

Brief about Expert/Speaker : Dr. P. Malarvizhi has 28 years of teaching experience and has been the resource person at various events. She is NEN trained entrepreneurship educator.


To educate the budding entrepreneurs about the significant elements to be covered in their business plan

Outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights

Participant details

Total No. of Student participation: 50

Total no. of Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) participation: 01

The PPT of Business Model was displayed during the session . 

Attractive Animated Video Was Displayed.

Motivating quotes of successful Entrepreneur’s was displayed.

Resource person interacted with the students 


Session Details

Title of the Session : Screening of the film on Women entrepreneurs 

Date : March 8, 2023

Duration : 9.00 am to 12.30pm

Activity Category: Celebration

Theme : Development of Entrepreneurship

Outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights:  

The students got inspired by the movie and came up with lots of ideas for entrepreneurship.

The students understood that determination and hard work are essential for entrepreneurial success.

The students also felt that entrepreneurship is only the road way for the development of the country.

Participant details

Total No. of Student participation :85 


Session Details

Title of the Session : Delphi’23 - Startup Ideation

Date  : March 24, 2023

Duration  : 8.30 AM - 2.30 PM

Activity Category: IIC

Theme: Development of Entrepreneurship

Outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights:  

Participant details

Total No. of Faculty Participation: 2

Total No. of Student Participation: 20 


Session Details

Title of the Session : Innovation in science 

Date  : 28/02/2023

Duration : 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm

Activity Category : IIC

Resource Person Details  

Name   : Mrs. P. Amalthi 

Designation : IIC Innovation Ambassador, Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry                                                

Organisation : Chevalier T. Thomas Elizabeth College for women 


The outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights :  The whole session was interactive and students wear able to come up with new innovative ideas.

Participant details

Total No. of Student participation : 34

Total no. of Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) participation: 2

Resource person explained the current innovation in the science field

Students were interactive and answering the questions asked by the resource person 


Session Details

Expert/Speaker Details

Dr  Rajibb Shaw, a Japanese national of Indian origin is a professor in Graduate school of media and governance in KEIO UNIVERSITY, Japan. He is the distinguished professor in IIT, Guwahati, India and Sichuan University, China. He is also the senior fellow of institute of global environmental strategies, Japan and chairperson of 2 Japanese NGOs, SEEDS Asia and CWS Japan. His expertise includes community based risk management, climate change adaptation, urban risk management and disaster and environmental education. Professor Shaw is the recipient of several prestigious awards such as the Pravasi Bharatiya Samman award in 2021, which is the highest honor confered  on overseas Indians by government of India, United Nations sasakawa award for disaster risk reduction in 2022 by UNO, Norio Okada implementation science award 2022 by  the international society for integrated disaster risk management.

He is the co founder of Delhi based social entrepreneur startup RIKA( Resilience Innovation Knowledge Academy) and RIKA institute,a non profit wing of RIKA .

Outcome of the activity:

The speaker gave a broad outline about the global risk landscape and its associated key emerging challenges. In this context he elucidated the intervention of science and technology in disaster risk reduction. Few  innovations in Japan and India were given as examples. He also explained  the scope for Social innovation and entrepreneurship for Society 5.0

Participant details

Participants watching the live streaming of the webinar 

A cross sectional view of the participants 


Session Details 

Title of the Session : Scope for Entrepreneurial opportunities  in Fashion & Apparel Industry                       

Date:  February 02, 2023

Duration :2.00 pm to 3.30 pm

Activity Category:Self Driven

Theme: Entrepreneurship & Startup

Resource Person Details 

Name:Mr. R. Seetharaman

Designation: Vice Principal

Organisation: The Apparel Training & Design Centre (ATDC),  Chennai (Nodal Agency by the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India)     

About :


The primary objective of the session is to motivate them in introducing the Entrepreneurial opportunities prevailing in the Apparel and Fashion Industry.

The outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights :  The students were able to understand the scope and importance of the second biggest consumer market in the world as Apparel Industry. They were able to understand the futuristic opportunities in the apparel and fashion industry. The job opportunities and its widespread domain to all streams of students were very well explained by the resource person.

Participant details

Session started with Prayer song 

Honoring the Guest

Students Listening to the session

Resource Person addressing the students 


Session Details

Outcome of the activity:

 IIC of CTTE College for Women, was given the opportunity to put up stall at Chennai Trade Fair on 29/1/23 from 11 am to 7.30 pm. 14 enthusiastic student members of CFSD( EDC& IIC) participated and exhibited their entrepreneurial skills. Models on characteristics of an entrepreneur, challenges faced by an entrepreneur, stages in entrepreneurship development, features of a startup venture, startup scheme of Tamilnadu government were prepared and demonstrated by the participants. A game on matching the entrepreneurs with the business found by them was also displayed by the EDC members. Visitors were very much attracted to play the game and know the right answer.

 Budding CTTE entrepreneurs put up stalls with self made chocolates, mehendi designing and hair styling. They learnt the nuances of trade in a real market setup.

 It was a great experience for the student participants who interacted with visitors from different background. 

Participant details

IIC Student members at Chennai Trade Fair 

Hot sale of self made chocolates by IIC members 

Making business out of Mehendi designing

Visitor to the Chennai Trade Fair playing the entrepreneurship game displayed by the students 


Session Details

Title of the Session : Awareness Programme on TNSI-2022

Date:  27.01.2023       

Duration : 10.00am to 12.30pm

Activity Category: Self Driven

Theme: Entrepreneurship

Expert/Speaker Details

Name:Mrs.Lavanya G

Designation:Entrepreneur, Career Analyst

Organization:CEO @ Pearlcareer

Brief about Expert/Speaker:  

Mrs.Lavanya GDesignation - Entrepreneur, Career Analyst, CEO @ Pearlcareer, Chief Marketing Officer @ IDEEZ.Assisted Engineering students in planning their four-yearcourse, which included professional courses, seminars,symposiums, internships, projects, and startup information.

Outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights:

The students learnt opportunities given by TNSI and the initiatives taken by them to create entrepreneurs.  

Participant details

The Resource person addressing the students in the JJK Auditorium 


Session Details

Title of the Session: National Siddha Day

Date : 09/01/23

Duration  :  4hours

Activity Category:  Self Driven

Theme:  Innovation and Design Thinking and Entrepreneurship & Startup


To stimulate the idea and imagination of students to explore the entrepreneurial opportunities in the field of Siddha products

To commemorate  National Siddha Day as planned by Central government

The outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights :  Students displayed variety of medicinal and food items, reminding the visitors about the rich heritage of India .

Entrepreneurial prospective in this field of Siddha was exhibited and highlighted by the students

Participant details

Total No. of Student participation : 150

Total no. of Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) participation: 15 

Vice Principal Dr. R. Meenakshi visiting the exhibition


Session Details

Title of the Session: Solution Fit and Product Market Fit

Date: 25/1/2023

Duration: 1:30PM – 2:30pm

Activity Category: IIC

Theme: Entrepreneurship & Startup

Expert/Speaker Details: 

Mrs.Jayashree.M,Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, IIC Innovation Ambassador, C.T.T.E College for women.

Outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights:

Problem solution fit focuses more on the target market, the issues the society faces, and the sort of solution the business enterprise comes up with to address those issues. A solution that genuinely resolves the customer's problem is the outcome of the problem-solution fit process. As part of the customer validation process, the product-market fit is considered Thus, learning about Product solution fit and Product market fit  has become essential for young aspiring Entrepreneurs to withstand in the Business world . Hence  the College planned to organize a session on  “Problem-Solution Fit and Product Market Fit”

Total No. of Student participation  : Around 70 students participated in the Programme and benefitted.

Total no. of Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) participation: 01


Session Details

Title of the Session :Mehendi Designing Course

Date : 10/01/2023 – 16/02/2023

Duration : 20 days (30 hours)

Activity Category: IIC Calendar/MIC Driven/Self Driven/Celebration

Expert/Speaker Details

Name :Thajun Alifia

Designation : Certified and Professional Mehendi Artist and a Student of III B.Com ( Accounting and Finance), CTTE College for Women 

Organization : Chevalier T. Thomas Elizabeth College for Women, Perambur, Chennai -600011

Brief about Expert/Speaker : Certified Mehendi Artist.

Professionally handled many bridal works

Efficient in communication and teaching skills.

More than 7 years of experience in the Mehendi field

Outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights : 

Students were able to design on their own.

Students learnt more about mehendi designing.

Built an ability to become an entrepreneur and earn while they learn.

Organic cone making and complete product knowledge was given.

Advanced Designs were taught and hands on practice was given.

Participant details

Total No. of Student participation : 46 Students.

Total no. of Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) participation: 1 professional and certified Mehendi artist.

Three to four Photographs/Screenshots that show the participation of students and Staffs(Teaching/Non-teaching) :


Session Details

Title of the Session: Orientation Session on IIC 5.0 (2022-23)

Date: 11/1/2023

Duration: 11 AM – 1:30PM

Activity Category: MIC Drien

Outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights:

Total No. of Student participation  : 50

Total no. of Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) participation: 02


Session Details

Title of the Session: Ideation Competition BIG IDEAS 2023

Date : 24 to 31 January 2023

Duration  : 1 week 

Activity Category : IIC

Theme : Innovation and Design Thinking

Event Coordinator Details  

Name : Dr. J. Jaya Parveen

Designation : Asst. Professor (English)

Organisation : Chevalier T. Thomas Elizabeth (CTTE) College for Women


The objective of the Ideation Competition BIG IDEAS 2023 is to make the students use Design and Disruptive Thinking strategies and bring out ideas to solve simple to complex problems in daily life. 

The outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights: The participants were asked to define a problem statement, business idea, and/or start-up plan. They were asked to give creative solutions to a few problem statements:

Participant details:

Total No. of Students participated: 35

Total no. of Staff participated : NA

e-invite for the Ideation Competition BIG IDEAS 2023

Sample Response from Google Forms 


Session Details

Outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights:

Participant details

Group photo with III BBA Students in Central Palmgur in Palm product Institute 

The employee of Palmgur is explaining about making of traditional Brush 


Session Details

Resource Person Details  


The outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights :  The participants understood the importance of critical thinking and realised the potential of India to become self sufficient nation. They gained immense insights related to the significance of persevarance  and preparation for their good mental health.

Participant details

Total No. of Student participation : 30

Total no. of Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) participation: 03

Students watching the programme 


Session Details

Title of the Session : Millet expo

Date : 13/01/2023

Duration: 9 AM - 2.30 PM

Activity Category: Pongal  Celebration.

Outcome of the activity:

Total No. of Student participation  : 40 

Total no. of Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) participation:7 

Entrepreneurial opportunities in Chemistry

Session Details

Title of the Session : Entrepreneurial opportunities in Chemistry

Date :12/01/2023 

Duration: One hour 

Activity Category: Celebration

Theme: Entrepreneurship

Resource Person Details  

Name : Mrs.P.Amalthi

Designation : Assistant professor, Department of Chemistry, IIC INNOVATION AMBASSADOR  

Organisation : Chevalier T.Thomas Elizabeth College for Women 


To create an awareness about the entrepreneurial  opportunities available and to come out with new innovative products.

The outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights: 

Participant details 

Total No. of Student participation:  30

Total no. of Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) participation:


Session Details

Title of the Session: 3 Day Bazaar

Date: 21/12/2022 - 23/12/2022

Duration: 9 AM - 2.30 PM

Activity Category: Self driven 

Outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights: 

Hence, the students get the idea and experience of manufacturing, packing, and selling. And also the demand for their products.  

Customer's  are super excited to buy their own favourite stuffs :

Customers can purchase the product from the food stall, which is run by students. The stall can have varieties of items like food,  accessories,  cakes,  mehndi, chat items,  juices,  games, decoration items, hair cuts, and Korean food. 

Our college students  exhibited  their  entrepreneurial skills in the name of stall :

Interested students took initiative  to be as stall owners 

SKILL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP ON LED  BULB MAKING                                                                                             

Session Details

Title of the Session : Skill Development Workshop On Led Bulb Making                                                                                         

Date  : December 22,2022

Duration : 3 hours

Activity Category : Self Driven

Theme : Entrepreneurship & Startup

Resource Person Details

Name                          : Mrs.S.Shyamala

Designation                   : The Proprietor

Organisation             : My MN Sons



The outcome of the activity:

The students were able to:                          

Key Highlights:  

As the world is facing a severe energy crisis, there is a never-ending demand for efficient devices to save money and reduce the emissions leading to climate changes. In this regard, the Department of Physics in collaboration with the Centre for Student Development (EDC and IIC) of Chevalier T.Thomas Elizabeth College for Women organized a Skill Development Workshop on making of LED bulb on December 22,2022. Mrs.S.Shyamala, the Proprietor of My M N Sons,Chennai enlightened the budding entrepreneurs with startup ideas. The technical session was handled by Mrs.M. Rahmath Sulthana and Mr.M.Md.Khaleelulla. At the end of the session students were able to make  LED bulbs  and understood  strategies to reduce electricity consumption at home. 30  students from the Departments of Physics,Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science and Computer Applications got benefitted from the training workshop.

Participant details

Total No. of Student participation  : 30 students from the Departments of Physics,Chemistry,Mathematics,Computer Applications and Computer Science of  the college benefitted from the training workshop.

Total no. of Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) participation:


Session Details

Title of the Session: Students' Workshop On Disruptive And Design Thinking

Date: December 22, 2022

Duration: 1 hour (01:00 - 02:00 PM)

Activity Category   : IIC

Theme: Innovation and Design Thinking

Resource Person Details 

Name: Dr. Wajida Begum

Designation: Asst. Professor (English)

Organisation: Chevalier T. Thomas Elizabeth (CTTE) College for Women

Name : Dr. J. Jaya Parveen

Designation: Asst. Professor (English)

Organisation: Chevalier T. Thomas Elizabeth (CTTE) College for Women


The objective of the Students' Workshop on Disruptive and Design Thinking is to create awareness about the importance of developing Creativity and Innovation, significance of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) or Patent Rights, and ways to develop Design and Disruptive Thinking to define problems and create solutions in the most productive way.

The outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights: The participants found the TedX Talk by Indian Innovator Masha Nazeem @ IITM Kashipur an inspiring one. Through the talks by Dr. Wajida Begum and Dr. J. Jaya Parveen, they understood the concepts of Creativity and Innovation and ways to apply them in Design and Disruptive Thinking to define problems and create solutions in more complex situations. They learnt about the various stages like Empathising, Defining, Ideating, Prototyping, and Testing in Design Thinking. They also understood the key features of Disruptive Thinking like Autonomous Enquiry, Reflective Thinking, Active Engagement, Collaboration, etc. and realised how Design and Disruptive Thinking could contribute towards bringing out new innovations and applying for / getting Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) or Patent Rights.

Participant details:

Total No. of Students participated : 52

Total no. of Staff participated       : 2

e-invite for the Student’s Workshop on Design and Disruptive Thinking

Students watch TedX Talk by Indian Innovator Masha Nazeem @ IITM Kashipur

Dr. Wajida Begum talks about Creativity and Innovation


Session Details

Title of the Session : Entrepreneurial Opportunities In Media

Date : 19/12/2022

Duration : Two hours

Activity Category : Self driven Activity

Theme : A Workshop on exploring and showcasing  the business opportunities in media industry

Expert/Speaker Details 

Name:Prof. Dir. SS. Jeykumar Lawren

Designation:Academic Director, DeSIFMA

Organization:Desales International Film and Media Academy, Chennai                  

Brief about Expert/Speaker  :

The resource person is the academic director of DeSIFMA, Resales International Film and Media Academy having rich and varied experience in the media industry. 

Key Highlights :

Outcome of the activity:

Participant details 

Total No. of Student participation: 180

Total no. of Staff : (Teaching/Non-teaching) participation: 5

Prof. Dir. S. S. Jeykumar explaining the difference between an entrepreneur and a business man

An overview of the audience in rapt attention to the resource person 


Session Details

Title of the Session : Entrepreneurial Skill, Attitude And Behaviour Development

Date : 16/12/2022

Duration : Two hours

Activity Category : IIC Calendar Activity

Theme : Entrepreneurship/Startup

Expert/Speaker Details

Name: Dr.P. Malarvizhi

Designation: President & Innovation Ambassador MoEs IIC, Assistant Professor in Commerce

Organization: C.T.T.E College for Women                   

Brief about Expert/Speaker  :

Dr.Malarvizhi  has been working for more than a decade to develop Prospective entrepreneurs.

She has over twenty-seven years of teaching experience in the field of Commerce.

She has been leading the team of IIC faculty members as President with a vision to develop Young Entrepreneurs through her extraordinary people management skills and her expertise in the field of entrepreneurship.


A theoretical  exposure  to the necessary entrepreneurial skills to be developed 

Key Highlights :

The resource person shared success stories of three entrepreneurs of Tamilnadu.

From their stories, she drew different skills possessed by them, tactics used by them to establish themselves as entrepreneurs

The resource person also shared a reel life story of an entrepreneurial Tamil movie and brought out the lessons to be learnt as an entrepreneur 

Outcome of the activity:

Participants were drawn towards the journey of the success stories of the three entrepreneurs.

Their entrepreneurial inquisitiveness was stimulated and realized that it is possible for them too to become an entrepreneur 

Participant details

Total No. of Student participation:83

Total no. of Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) participation: 2

Dr. P.Malarvizhi showing the pictures of successful entrepreneurs of Tamilnadu

The resource person highlighting the behaviour development process  of each entrepreneur


Session Details

Title of the Session : National Energy Conservation Day-Comparative Case Study Competition on Electric Vehicles Vs Conventional Vehicles: An Entrepreneurial Perspective                                                                                                             

Date : 14/12/2022

Duration : 14/12/2022 to 02/01/2023

Activity Category : Celebration

Theme: IPR & Technology Transfer


The outcome of the activity:

It enabled the students to:

Resource Person Details:

Judged by 

Key Highlights: With the world facing the issues ranging from environmental concerns to fluctuating oil prices consumers continue to push toward alternatives to combustion engines. Through the proposed case study, the students examined the entrepreneurial approach to Electric Vs and Conventional Vehicles- comparing the costs, benefits, and market potential of each. The misconceptions and lack of knowledge about the benefits of Electric Vehicles has retarded the growth of E vehicle industry. The case study aimed at creating awareness on various incentives and other schemes provided by the govt to potentially increase the usage of E vehicle leading to environment sustainability. 5 teams from various departments participated in the competition and got benefitted. 

Participant details

Total No. of Student participation  : 15

Total no. of Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) participation:


Session Details

o   Title of the Session : Entrepreneurship As A Career Opportunity

o   Date : 22/11/2022

o   Duration :one hour

o   Activity Category : IIC Calendar Activity

o   Theme :

Expert/Speaker Details

•      Name: Dr.P. Malarvizhi

•      Designation : President & Innovation Ambassador MoEs IIC

•      Organization : C.T.T.E College for Women

Brief about Expert/Speaker  :

●       Dr.Malarvizhi  has been working for more than a decade to develop Prospective entrepreneurs.

●       She has over twenty-seven years of teaching experience in the field of Commerce.

●       She has been leading the team of IIC faculty members as President with a vision to develop Young Entrepreneurs through her extraordinary people management skills and her expertise in the field of entrepreneurship.


To Kindle the entrepreneurial instincts and interest in students

Key Highlights :

●        The session covered various scope of entrepreneurship and explored ideas for students to choose entrepreneurship as a career. Our resource person Dr.Malarvizhi  enlightened the students with her deep knowledge of the subject with a scope of making the students understand about the nuances of entrepreneurship and entrepreneur.

●        The Resource person elaborated on the areas in which students can take up their entrepreneurship and justified them with case studies of successful entrepreneurs.

●         She also highlighted some of the Central & State government schemes relevant to entrepreneurship and motivated the students.

Outcome of the activity:

●      Awareness about entrepreneurship

●   Positives towards taking entrepreneurship as a career.

Participant details

•      Total No. of Student participation:34

•      Total no. of Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) participation: 2 staffs

Dr. P.Malarvizhi explaining the various qualities of an entrepreneur

The resource person highlighting the advantages of being an entrepreneur with reference to earnings


Session Details

Title of the Session:webinar on emerging technologies


Duration:6.30 pm to 7.30 pm

 Activity Category:IIC

Theme:Innovation and Design Thinking

Resource Person Details 

 Name : Mr. Richard Rozario

Designation : Python Developer

Organisation : Renault Nissan

About :    

performing quantum computations. 


The objective of the session is to inculcate the Emerging Technologies and the innovation in the day to day life.

The outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights:Emphasized the latest technologies and emerging trends in the world.

Participant details

Resource Person addressing the students:

Resource Person Presentation on latest technology

Tips for developing themselves

Q & A Session by Students


Session Details

Title of the session:national entrepreneurship day

Duration: 09:00am to 2:30pm
Activity category:Self Driven

Outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights : 

➢ The Participants were exposed to real-time business scenario and gained  profits from the stalls.  

➢ The Students gained knowledge about buying, selling and marketing  activities and also they got to know about the feasibility of their  own business ideas.

Total No. of Student participation : 45

 Total no. of Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) participation: 04


Session Details

Title of the Session : Report Of The Workshop On Visual Content Investigation

Date  :  October 15, 2022        

Duration  : 9 to 5 pm

Activity Category  : Self Driven

Theme  : Innovation

Expert/Speaker Details

Name                      : Mr. J. Sam Daniel Stalin

Designation               : Bureau Chief of NDTV

Organization             :NDTV

Brief about Expert/Speaker  :  Mr. J. Sam Daniel Stalin, Bureau Chief of NDTV, Chennai who is an authorized trainer of the Google News Initiative-India Training Network was the trainer. 

Outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights       :

The workshop explained how false information that spread through circular reporting and forwards have become a serious concern and that sensitizing the students to the ways of curtailing it has become a part of student development, in the contemporary times.

Participant details 

Total No. of Student participation  :30 

Total no. of Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) participation: 7

Mr. J. Sam Daniel Stalin, Bureau Chief of NDTV, addressing the students

Group photo with other college students


Session Details

Title of the Session : Field Visit To Modern Bakers

Date  : September 5,2022

Duration : 12.30 Pm to 2.00 Pm

Activity Category  : IIC  Calendar activity

Theme  : Entrepreneurship & Startup


The objective of this field visit is to make the students identify the real time problems prevailing in the industry and to give innovative solutions and to provide an opportunity to learn practically the working methods through

interactions with workers, managers and entrepreneurs.

The outcome of the activity:

The students gained practical knowledge on how to produce and market products. Students learnt how theoretical concepts were put into action.

Key Highlights  :  Students learnt about Biscuit manufacturing processes such as baking, moulding and cooling and the process of recycling the broken biscuits at the time of manufacturing. Quality checking is done on every day basis.

Participant details

Total No. of Student participation  : 34

Total no. of Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) participation:  3

ROAD WAY TO SUCCESS                                                             

Session details

Title of the session : road way to success                                                            

Date : 28/09/22

Duration : 9 . 00 Am to 2.00 Pm

Activity category   : IIC

Theme : Business Plan Intercollegiate Competition

Expert/Speaker Details

Name  :  T. Johnson

Designations :  Director of Centre for Communication and Personality Development, Masters in English at Madras University

Organization:  AMET Academic of Maritime Education and Training Deemed to be University ( Under Section 3 of UGC Act 1956 )

Brief about Expert/Speaker :Mr.Johnson Formerly, he worked as the Team Leader at Sutherland Global services and a voice coach at corporate. Interesting enough, Students are his first priority; he holds two decades of experience in training and development , British Trained faculty at British Council, Completed Train the Trainer Certification at British Council , PTE Training Certification from Pearson Classroom He has sent 1000 International Students from Angola, Nigeria, Yemen and Djibouti to study in London colleges such as City of Glasgow and South Tyneside. Transformed more than 10000 Indian students into confident debate speakers , He trains students on Spoken English, Soft Skills and Communication, Personality Development, Placement Training and IELTS, TOEFL Centre for Communication and Personality Development is always been in the good books of AMET and delivered 100 percent results.

Outcome of the activity

Key Highlights :

How to express their innovation

Minimum viable business

Explanation and outline of their own business plan

Being financial independent

Boosting Entrepreneurship skill

Creating young entrepreneurs

Participant details   

Total no.of.students participated:  60

Total no.of.staff ( teaching /non-teaching )Participated  :  2


Session Details

Title of the Session  : textile screen printing

Date   : 16/9/2022

Duration : 2:30 to 4:30

Activity Category  : Self Driven Activity

Theme  : Development of Entrepreneurship

Expert/Speaker Details

Name  : Mr. M. Raiavel

Designation : Business Head

Organization : Raja Screen Printers, Theni 

Outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights : 

Participant details

Total No. of Student participation  : 42 students participants

No. of Faculty Participants : 2


Session Details


Date :  25 January 2023   

Duration : 10:00 AM  

Activity Category : IIC Activity

Theme : Entrepreneurship

Outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights       :

Students got to know more about palm products

They gained  knowledge about bakery products

Participant details

Total No. of Student participation  :53

Total no. of Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) participation:1 


Session Details

Title of the Session : VC funding Opportunity for Early Stage


Date : 27/08/2022

Duration : 1 hour 13 mins 19 secs. 4:00 - 5:13 pm

Activity Category : Self Driven

Theme : To make the students understand the

procedure to get Venture Capital Funding for Startups.

Expert/Speaker Details

Name : Dr. A. Balamurugan

Designation : Professor, School of Commerce and

Management, Department of Management


Organization : Bharath Institute of Higher Education and

Research, Selaiyur.

Brief about Expert/Speaker :

Dr.A.Balamurugan a Professor /in depatment of business studies, at Bharath

Institute of Higher Education and Research/ sir completed his Bsc in hotel

management and catering service in madras university/ MTM tourism management

Madurai Kamaraj University / M.Sc Hotel Management and Catering Science in

Bharathidasan University / M.Phil – Tourism Management in Madurai Kamaraj

University / M.B.A– Hotel and Tourism Management and M.B.A – Financial

Management in Bharathiar University /then sir did his Ph.D. in Business

Administration at Annamalai University.

He initially started his career has an Commis 3 in Hotel Leela Venture in the year 1996

at mumbai / In 1998 he worked as an assistant manager in Hotel Pravasi at mumbai /

In 2000 he worked as an Commis I, Mahindra Holidays & Resorts India Ltd at Goa and

he worked as an Guest House Manager in Vellore Institute of Technology/ from 2004

-2006 he worked as a lecturer in CSI Bishop Appaswamy College of Arts & Science and /from 2006 - 2012 he worked as an Assistant

Professor at Sathyabama University/ from 2012 - 2015 he worked as an assistant professor in Chennai National Arts &

Science College/ St Peters University avadi/ from 2015 - 2021 he worked as an

Associate Professor in Asan Memorial College of Arts and Science, Pallikaranai/ from

2021 to at present he is working in Bharath Institute of Higher Education and

Research.He patented two of his inventions.

Honorable resource person published and presented many research papers in national

and international journals/


Pondicherry Research Institute of Management Education & Science/ In collaboration


Radhakrishnan Professor Award – 2021, to sir in Appreciation and recognition for his

outstanding contribution/in the field of Teaching Administration, Publication, Research

and Development and Continued dedicated service to the Academic and Students


He has also won the Best Chef Award 2000-2001 in Food Production, awarded by

Palavi Groups of Hotels on October 5th, 2000.

Outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights

● Resource Person highlighted the significance of presentation skills.

He insisted the students develop their presentation skills as they

have to present their business plan to Venture Capitalist to acquire

start up capital.

● He clearly explained about the steps involved in acquiring venture

capital and different stages of VC funding for startups.

● He also enlightened the students about the techniques to identify

Venture Capitalists such as Blog, Twitter, LinkedIn,EMails etc.,

● He also stated that Venture Capital investments are for innovative

projects. The Resource Person also explained about the concept of equity

participation and capital gains and the significance of building a

strong and dependable Team.


Session Details

Title of the Session : world entrepreneurs day .

Date  : 22/8/2022.

Duration : 9.00 am – 10.30 am .

Activity Category: Celebration activity .

Theme: “My Story “ .

Expert/Speaker Details

●        Name        : Ms .Divya.P

●        Designation   : CTTE College Alumna, ( 2016-19)  , Entrepreneur

●        Organization : Founder of star king canteen .

●        Name  : Ms. Swarna .M

●        Designation   : CTTE College Alumna, ( 2018-21)  , Entrepreneur

●        Organization  : Founder of star king canteen 

●        Name   : Ms: Uma Maheshwari

●        Designation   : CTTE College Alumna, (2019-22 ) , Entrepreneur

●        Organization : Founder of Techtaught solution .

Brief about Expert/Speaker :

●       Ms Divya .P  is the most talented & multitalented  person she was  good at Athlete ( state level player )  ,  Entrepreneur ,  Social worker ,  Asst team leader in (Sigma Private Limited )  , Good miming artist and well versed in mono acting at college level . She is currently running CTTE college canteen . 

●       Ms Swarna . M is  a talented person who worked as Sales executive in Reliance company . She also worked as Medical representative , she has also worked in HDFC Bank and ICIC Bank as Team leader and also as HR admin in Siva groups of company 

●       Ms : Uma Maheshwari .J  is a proactive individual , she held the portfolio as  IIC coordinator in the year 2021-22   , while studying B. COM itself, she has done extra courses like diploma in computer application , Tally and has 8 months tally working experience  , Digital marketing basic course , Stepathon skill up your communication by The Hindu newspaper , she participated in state level competition – CONNECTHACKTHON 2021 , she has done intership in Southern Industrial Academy For Women Entrepreneurial Development . She signed MOU with CTTE for E-commerce site HERECRAFT .

 Outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights: 

●        To give guidance to upcoming young entrepreneurs.

●        To motivate the students

●        Innovations come from the mind of students

●        Strategy guidance

●        Life time experience of chief guests

●        How to overcome from obstacles  ,to reach the success

●        Exposure about entrepreneurs

●        Creating more independent women entrepreneurs 

Participant details

●        Total No. of Student participation  : 184

●        Total no. of Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) participation: 03


Session Details

Title of the Session: Orientation

Date: 22/08/22

Duration: 1 Hour

Activity Category: Self Driven

Theme: Entrepreneurship awareness among first year UG-Psychology students

Expert/Speaker Details

Name: Dr.P.Malarvizhi & Mrs. Princy Susan


Designation : Assistant Professors & IIC  Innovation 


Organization : CTTE College for Women

Brief about Expert/Speaker  : Dr. P.Malarvizhi has 27 years of teaching experience in the Department of Commerce.

                                     Mrs. Princy Susan  Selvakumari  has has 27 years of teaching experience in the Department of Business                                                               administration..

Outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights       :

-the freshers got an overall idea about the functioning of IIC in the college

-an awareness was created about the entrepreneurial activities carried on the college campus

-students’ interest was kindled towards entrepreneurship

Participant details

●     Total No. of Student participation  : 40

●     Total no. of Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) participation: 02

Three to four Photographs/Screenshots that show the participation 


Session Details 

Title of the Session : workshop on innovation and eco system enablers                      


Duration:5 pm

Activity Category :IIC Activity

●Theme: Innovation of knowledge into wealth

Expert/Speaker Details

 ‘Proactive research professional and an educator with over 17 years of teaching experience and 1.5 years of industrial experience. Possessing excellent administrative, verbal communication and written skills along with constructive and effective teaching methods that promote a stimulating learning environment. Able to work in a managerial role or as part of team and having a proven ability to successfully work to tight schedules and deadlines. Currently looking for a suitable position in the challenging avenue of research & development, powering new innovations and thereby enabling continuous learning and growth possibilities.

Outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights   :

●      Innovation- converting knowledge into wealth.

●     Innovation comes from creativity.

●     The Basic ingredients to creativity.

●     portrait of a creative person.

●     Tips to help you enhance creativity.

●     Keys to Creative innovation.

●     Innovate in the Marketing mix.

●     Types of Innovation

●     Innovation process cycle.

●     Differences between Invention, innovation and creativity.

●     Start-up ecosystem

●     Role of colleges and universities.

●     New age start-ups

●     The enablers ( Investors, incubators, accelerators, mentors, and Government bodies)

●     How to build your local start-up ecosystem.

●     Building your local ecosystem           

Participant details

●    Total No. of Student participation                              : 70

●    Total no. of Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) participation   : 02


Session Details

Title of the Session : organic personal care products making competition

Date : 16/08/2022

Duration: One hour

Activity Category: Self Driven

Theme: Awareness about using organic and eco friendly products 

Judges Details 

Name  : Mrs. J. Kauser

Designation : Assistant professor

                        Department of Commerce (A&F)

Organization : Chevalier T.Thomas Elizabeth

                            College for Women

Name : Dr. A. Vimala Rani

Designation  : Assistant professor Department of Tami

Organization : Chevalier T.Thomas Elizabeth College for Women

Outcome of the activity:

Students came out with their own cosmetic recipes and exhibited their skills by creating eye masks,hair dyes,hair spray, sanitary pads etc. 

Participants were given time of one-hour, adhere to rules of the Competition, presented and produced a written up of their products.

Participant detailS

Total No. of Student participation: 06

Total no. of Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) Participation: 2


Session details

                                         Minimum Viable Business                                                                 

                   developing startup  business at minimum cost and checking it's viability

Expert/Speaker Details

Professor Dr. Surendran has 17 years of teaching experience and 3 years of research experience. He runs his startup business, “SKS Skill Fasteners Pvt. Ltd.since 2021. He has receive research funding from CSIR and DST-TIDE. He has filed a patent and has also applied for one. He has guided more than 15 Ph.D research scholars.

Outcome of the activity

Key Highlights :

❖  How to run a business

❖  Less investment to expand our business

❖  Minimum viable business

❖  How to establish our product in the market 

Participant details   

●    Total no.of.students participated:  66


Date: 6/8/2022

Duration:one hour


Theme: Development of Entrepreneurship

Expert/Speaker Details

Name: Mr. Pawan kumar Jha

Designation: Head, Business Initiative & Account Management

Organization: Amnet, Chennai

Brief about Expert/Speaker  :

Outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights       :

The session covered various areas of entrepreneurship and its early stages.

Our resource person Mr Pawan Kumar Jha has enlightened us with his deep knowledge of the subject.


Session Details

Title of the Session : Leadership Development

Date : 23/07/2022

Duration:1 Hour

Activity Category: Self Driven

Theme: Promoting leadership skill among students

Expert/Speaker Details

NameJ. Ms.Uma Mageshwari

Designation: ( CTTE alumna ) entrepreneur , Founder of Tech taught solutions.                    

Organization : Techtaught solutions, Hercraft

Brief about Expert/Speaker  : Ms . Uma Mageshwari  completed her under graduate prrogram at CTTE College, Chennai. She was the IIC student coordinator and is the founder of Techtaught solutions(digital service provider), Hercraft(ecommerce site). She received the  best entrepreneur award at college.

Outcome of the activity:

 Key Highlights:The resource person focused on          

Her experience in  becoming  an entrepreneur

How to make yourself strong . 

How to guide a team to move towards goal.

How to face failure as the first step to success.

How to motivate the team.

Participant details

Total No. of Student participation  :  40

Total no. of Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) participation: 04

Three to four Photographs/Screenshots that show the participation of students and Staffs(Teaching/Non-teaching) :


Session Details

                                                 of Innovation for country’s development and to share the

                                                 knowledge and experience of top performing institutions in

                                                     innovating products and services.

Expert/Speaker Details

Outcome of the activity:

Faculty members from various educational institutions understood the importance of being innovative and every faculty member attended the regional got the flash to propel their students to innovate products and services. They also gained knowledge on procedures to operate pre incubation, incubation and startups inside their institutions.

Key Highlights     :

Participant details


The two days FDP Programme was organized by Sri Krishna Arts & Science College, for

IIC-Mentee InstitutionsOrganized byInstitution’s Innovation Council - SKASC

         (Sponsored by “AICTE and MIC”) coimbatore on 16 th &17th June 2022.

 Session – I:

  Innovation and Incubation

Smt. Lakshmi Meera

Chief – Program Office,

FORGE Academy, Coimbatore.

Session – II:

  Business Model Canvas

         Mr. Bramma

Head- Marketing, AramIndia.

Session – III:

  Intellectual Property Rights

Dr. Parimelazhagan Thangaraj

Director – IPR Cell,

Professor & Head,

Department of Botany,

Bharathiar University.

Session – IV:

   Start-ups – Obstacles and Opportunities

                Mr. Selvakumar Varadharajan

                Founder & CEO,

Vilfresh – Laymen Agro Ventures (P) Ltd.,


Interaction with Ms. Selvarani, SRO, Ministry of Innovation, Government of India via Online

The above sessions gave us lots of input on the innovation & incubation how it can be done by identifying the problems and finding solution for it .Business Model canvas purpose and how it provides information about an organisation’s target market and the process in which an organisation adjusts its business model. Intellectual Property Rights role in innovation how can products be patented and the use trade mark Act in protecting the trade mark. Start-ups – Obstacles and Opportunities with lots of case studies were explained this made the session very interesting. The session feed back and Interaction with Ms. Selvarani, SRO, Ministry of Innovation, Government of India via Online with that the sessions came to end.

Outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights   : The resource person focused on Innovation and Incubation, Business Model Canvas, Intellectual Property Rights and Start-ups – Obstacles and Opportunities

Participant details

Total no. of Staff (Teaching)participation: 2

1.Mrs.P.Princy Susan Selvakumari

Assistant Professor

Department of Business Administration


Assistant Professor

Department of Chemistry

3.Three to four Photographs/Screenshots that show

the participation of students and Staffs(Teaching/Non-teaching) :



Session Details


Date : 28/06/2022

Duration : 2 - 3 PM

Activity Category: MIC Driven

Theme : Think Differently

Expert/Jury Details 

Name: Prof. V. Kamakoti

 Designation : Director

Organisation: IIT Madras

About  : Prof. V. Kamakoti is currently Director, Indian Institute of Technology Madras. Completed Ph.D in Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. His awards are ACCS-CDAC FOUNDATION AWARD,  IBM FACULTY AWARD and DRDO ACADEMY EXCELLENCE AWARD

The outcome of the activity:

Key Highlights       : After an introduction about the speaker, Speaker shared his knowledge with the audience in a great manner. Apple knife stone theory was taught by him in an easy and understandable way. This made us listen more and more with enthusiasm. And the real meaning of thinking differently has been clearly understood by his speech. And also he related more with mathematics in his teaching.

Participant details