"Celebration of Ideas"

Above, the Capstone class of 2018 has invited a group of qualified intellectuals to come to a “celebration of ideas” for feedback and directions in their projects.


The groups present their ideas with a simple slideshow.


Students present their app prototypes while explaining the service their invention gives.


The Communications Team Discussion

Team work

Above the prototype team works together to make a digital representation of the "gym bag insert" to show the judges.

Logo Design

Aiden Cooper works on designing a logo for the class to vote on later in the year.

Social Media

Above students work on a poster to hang up in the classroom to inform the class how to make an impactful Instagram post for our social media presence.


Students work on designing our uniforms to wear at expo fest.

First attempt

Working on the prototype. We were sewing and snapping the fabric together.


We have made an Instagram account, and started posting to boost our online presence.

Project wall

Students stick post-it notes on the project wall to know their individual tasks they have to complete.

Bacteria growth experiment

Students in the science team have created an experiment to test the bacteria growth in a gym bag, without regular washing.

Odor resistance experiment

We invited the principal and a 6th grade science class to come and participate in our odor test, to help find the best fabric for our prototype.