
Managing Stress: Mindfulness

Mindfulness and Guided Meditation

Free Guided Meditations from UCLA Health

Meditations from Tara Brach, clinical psychologist, author and speaker

Stop, Breathe and Think - a favorite mindfulness and meditation app that is simple, fun and easy to use. Check in to how you are thinking and feeling, and get recommended guided meditations tuned to your emotions.

Guided 10 Minute Meditation

TedTalk: Why aren't we teaching you mindfulness?

Additional Resources

Thank you to Larry Stoegbauer for providing the following script as an introductory exercise to Mindfulness:

Book Recommendation

In this powerful book, a pediatrician specializing in teen and adolescent medicine offers a breakthrough mindfulness program to help you deal with stress in healthy ways, improve communication, and reduce conflicts with family and friends.

Being a teen is stressful! The teen years are full of difficult changes--both mentally and physically. If you're like many teens, you may have difficulty dealing with stress in effective ways. You are not alone, and there are things you can do to stay calm, no matter how stressful life becomes. Stop, breathe, and be mindful and aware in the present moment.

Simple, practical, and easy-to-remember tips in this book can be used every day to help you handle any difficult situation more effectively--whether it's taking a test at school, having a disagreement with your parents, or a problem you are having with friends.