Managing Stress

Stress Relief

Get Your Mind and Body Out of Crisis Mode

Unchecked stress can wreak havoc on your well-being. These are the warning signs that you’re heading toward burnout plus six steps to manage your stress.


Stress-Busting Checklist

Trying to cut down on the stress in your life? These tips FROM WebMD could help:

  • Set priorities. Focus on what’s important. Let the other stuff go.

  • Identify tasks that you can share or delegate, then ask for help.

  • Get organized. Disorder can make things confusing and hard to remember.

  • Set short-term goals you can reach. Reward yourself for meeting them!

  • Say no -- gracefully -- to taking on more obligations.

  • Focus on the positive. Choose to look for the good in others and yourself.

  • Laugh! Look for humor in your everyday life, or watch a funny video.

  • Listen to music. Choose tunes that relax or revive you.

  • Talk to a counselor or a friend.

  • Remember, things don't have to be perfect. Sometimes “good enough” is just fine.

  • Take a time-out for yoga, meditation, or some deep breaths.

  • Get regular exercise. Find something you like doing that you can work into your schedule.

  • Set aside some time, even 5 to 10 minutes, for yourself each day.

What is Stress?

What is stress? By definition, stress is any uncomfortable "emotional experience accompanied by predictable biochemical, physiological and behavioral changes." ~APA

Isn't some helpful? Some stress can be beneficial at times, producing a boost that provides the drive and energy to help people get through situations like exams or work deadlines.

Some Professional Advice

How to Keep Stress in Check from the American Psychological Association

What we know about exercise....

For more information on Benefits of EXERCISE and Healthy Eating, see ADDITIONAL guide on Brain and Body Balance developed by a Learning Cohort at New Trier.

Staying healthy ...

Remember that staying hydrated - drinking water - and getting SLEEP can help.

Downers Grove South High Resources

Want to talk to someone at DGS? There are many resources, including your school counselor or a trusted adult; social workers and psychologists are available for both students and staff.