Especially for Teachers and Parents

Managing Stress: Especially for Teachers and Parents

Especially for Teachers and Parents

Other reports and information

"Managing Stress in Teens and Adolescents: A Guide for Parents from Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter This article published April 2014, Supplement 4, Vol. 30, p. I-II

"Handmaidens of Unhappiness" - May 2016 in USA Today Magazine: "change the goal from perfect progress to imperfect progress" - Colleen O'Grady

"Teachers are Stressed and That Should Stress Us All"- Dec. 30, 2016 on NPR which summarizes a Penn State University study (executive summary below) and other research.

CDC - Coping with Stress

Scroll down this page: "Coping with Stress" from the CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to see tips for Parents and for School Personnel.

Downers Grove South Resources

Want to talk to someone at DGS?

There are many resources, including school counselors, social workers, psychologists or other trusted adults