Fake It Till You Make It

The Water Carrier of Seville, 1623. Diego Velazquez, Spanish. Apsley House, London.

1. What do you notice in this work of art?

2. The way people physically present themselves may demonstrate their frame of mind. For example, if someone feels confident, what would their posture look like?

3. Choose a or b below:

a. “Our bodies change our minds, our minds can change our behavior, and our behavior can change our outcomes,” social psychologist Amy Cuddy wrote. Discuss a scenario when a change of posture might bring about a different behavior leading to a better outcome.

b. Jesus Christ suggested that great leaders serve others. He demonstrated this by taking the posture of a servant and washing his disciples’ feet. How is it that Jesus, taking the posture of a servant, won the respect of those around him?

4. Velazquez had great respect for working class people. He paints the humble water carrier with dignity, as well as the wealthy boy he serves. Draw a picture or find a digital image of a person showing honor.