The way of the exile

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Last week we talked about exile, and started to explore the idea that we all experience a sense of exile—things are not the way they were meant to be.

How do you think we should live in light of the idea that we are in exile, or sojourners in a foreign land?

INTRO VERSE: Daniel 6:1–5

What does this Scripture passage suggest about how Daniel handled exile?

What thoughts or questions come to mind?


What are your initial thoughts from the video?

How does the video help us understand the passage we read in Daniel?

Does it raise any questions you would like to discuss or investigate more?

READ: 1 Peter 2:9–17

What stands out to you?

How does this Scripture passage reveal how we might follow the command of Jeremiah by choosing the 3rd way: Subversive Loyalty?

How does it add to what the video discussed?


How do you see the unjust occupation of “Babylon” around you?

How might seeking to maintain allegiance to Jesus while seeking the good of “Babylon” change how you live and treat others?

What is one thing you could apply?

What would it look like to live this out in community?

END VERSE: Psalm 146:5-9 and Romans 8:18

Background—Paul (in Romans) is writing to the Christians in Rome, living in the capital of that day’s “Babylon.”

How do these verses give you hope?