Image of God

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What do you think it means to be made in the image of God?

INTRO VERSE: Genesis 1:26–31

What does this Scripture suggest about what “being made in the Image of God” means?

What thoughts or questions come to mind?


What are your initial thoughts from the video?

How does the video help us understand the Genesis verses we read?

Does it raise any questions you would like to discuss or investigate more?

Background—In Chasing Infinity, Dr. Mark Liederbach says as image-bearers of God “[we] are champions going forth in the name of God taking up his cause throughout the world, and on the other hand, [we] are stewards who care for all the things of God.” We have a God-centered purpose to worship and bring glory to God.

READ: 2 Corinthians 4:1-6

What stands out to you?

How does this Scripture relate to our purpose as image-bearers of God?

How do these verses add to what the video discussed?


If you truly believed that you are created in the image of God with a purpose to bring him glory, what difference would it make in how you live and treat others?

What is one thing you could apply?

What would it look like to live this out in community?

END VERSE: Revelation 21:3–7

How do these verses give you hope?