Nurse, SPED, Speech


The primary objective of The Creighton Academy’s nursing services is to strengthen the educational progress of students by assisting them to improve or adapt to their health status. Because a student in ill health cannot learn to the best of his/her ability, it is our goal to promote an environment that fosters positive physical, social and emotional health.

If it is necessary for a child to leave school, the parent will be contacted and requested to pick up the child. The nurse tries first to locate a parent before calling the emergency numbers listed.

If your child has a fever, they must be fever free without medication for 24 hours before returning to school. The rules applied to fever also apply to vomiting. If your child has strep throat or pink eye, they must be on medication for at least 24 hours before returning to school.

Medication: See CSD Handbook

Special Education


All Services

Psychological services, speech, occupational therapy, and programs designed for students with special needs are also available. In addition, a Mullti-Tiered Systems of Support Team (MTSS) regularly meets to discuss and assess needs of the students whose names are recommended by the principal, classroom teacher, and/or parents.