Piano & Guitar

Beginning Guitar

Beginning Guitar is now offered during the school year! Students will learn basic guitar playing technique of both solo lines and chords.  Students will also learn some traditional western music notation, tablature, chord symbols, and song charts, and how the different notation methods are connected to each other and appropriate in different settings.  There is no prerequisite for this class.  There are 20 school guitars provided to students to use during the school day. This class counts for a fine arts credit.

Please contactMrs. Basa or  Ms. Colby  for more details.

Collaborative Piano

Collaborative piano (course code "Advanced Piano I, II, III, & IV") is for advanced pianists in grades 10-12 to gain practical experience accompanying in an ensemble setting.  The pianist will be assigned to a choir class, where Ms. Colby will daily coach the student on how to adapt their existing piano knowledge to support and collaborate with an ensemble, small group, or soloist.  An audition and interview are required.  Preference is given to students who have previously taken a choir class with Ms. Colby. This class counts for a fine arts credit.

There are no beginning piano classes offered at Jones at this time.

Collaborative Piano Audition Requirements and Interview Questions