Choir Classes

Jones offers three different levels of curricular choir classes.  These meet as part of the school day, have grades like any other class, and count for the fine arts graduation requirement.  It is possible to take four years of choir, which is highly recommended by Ms. Colby, who is admittedly biased because she wants everyone to sing as much as possible in this life.  Read more about each ensemble below.

Beginning Choir

Beginning Choir (course code "Honors Beginning Mixed Choir") has no prerequisites and requires no audition.  Primarily comprised of freshman and sophomores, this class teaches students how to read music and perform it with intentional vocal technique.  Students will learn how to use solfege and Gordon rhythm syllables to read music.  Ms. Colby teaches vocal technique that is heavily influenced by Estill Voice Training. In this class students will also learn how to compose melodies, simple harmonies, and clear musical patterns, using traditional Western music notation and looping software.

Students in Beginning Choir are automatically promoted to Eagle Singers.

This class does not have homework.  Students are required to perform in one concert per semester outside of school hours.

Bring Me Little Water Sylvie - Eagles

Eagle Singers

Eagle Singers (course code "Honors Intermediate Choir I & II") is the second year of difficulty offered in the Jones Choir program.  Students must take Beginning Choir with Ms. Colby to enroll in this course.  Primarily freshman and sophomores, this ensemble is usually only treble voices, or voices of people who were assigned female at birth. This class continues to use solfege, Gordon rhythm syllables, and builds upon prior instruction of vocal technique based on the Estill Voice Method to perform more difficult music.  Students continue composing, and learn new music theory concepts to support their advancing music reading skills.

Students in Beginning Choir are automatically promoted to Concert Choir, though students may take Eagle Singers for multiple years.

This class does not have homework.  Students are required to perform in one concert per semester outside of school hours.

Please Stay - Jones CC

Concert Choir

Concert Choir (course code "Honors Advanced Mixed Chorus I, II, III, & IV") is the highest level of difficulty currently offered in the Jones Choir program.  This ensemble is typically made up of juniors and seniors. Students in this ensemble use solfege and Gordon syllables to read complex music with little assistance.  Concert Choir members are able to apply their prior instruction of the Estill Voice Method to make a wide variety of sounds throughout their entire vocal range.  Music in this ensemble is more difficult than Eagle Singers, and students will perform about 50% more pieces with a wider genre variety.  Students will compose slightly less in this course, but it will be more complex.  

Students in Concert Choir repeat this course.  The subsequent years a student is enrolled in Concert Choir will deepen their understanding of music theory concepts, learn new music, and take on leadership roles.

This class does not have homework.  Students are required to perform in one concert per semester outside of school hours. Concert Choir will likely have additional community performances that can take place during or after school.