Should high schools only require students to take classes that they are interested in having a career in?

This was about doing a survey on 25 people to see if they agree or disagree with the question: Should high schools only require students to take classes that they are interested in having a career in?

Should high schools only require students to take classes that they are interested in having a career in?

Describe the main issues you are going to cover.

What are 5 main topics that you are going to be discussing? Describe them here.

  • Interview

  • My opinion

  • The survey

  • What students think

  • What parents think

What were the results of your survey? Describe your findings here.

The survey that I did was of 25 people and most of them said "That yes students should choose the classes that they are interested in and if schools were like that then grades will probably be higher and attendance will be good, Students would want to go to school more and learn more about their career."

Interview Summary

The purpose of this interview is to see how a person feels about this topic and to see the perspective of one person. My interviewee is Maribel. They are a suitable candidate for this interview because she is a student and a high schooler that wants to go to college. Maribel is a 17 years old female and she is a Junior in high school. The overall attitude of Maribel was calm and she was very supportive of the idea/topic. The most important question of this was number 2 Do you think that students will approve of this? She said “I think some will love the idea and students will be more motivated to come to school and some won't like it. Another important question that I think was important was number 9 Would students have better grades and attendance if this would happen? She said yes because the students will feel better, they will have better grades and will feel less stress. The last question that I think was important was the number 8 If there was a vote for this would you vote for yes or no? Maribel said “ I would vote yes. I learned that students just want to learn what they want to do in the future and that it will be valuable for them. They don’t want to learn anything that won't be necessary for them in their future jobs or careers.

My Personal Opinion

I believe that high school students should be able to pick their own classes because some classes that are required for you to pass can lead to a high level of stress and this can cause students to become anxious. Students should also choose the classes that interest them more and make them want to learn as Carpenter Rob Narriats in the article Students argue required classes should not be mandatory to take “It would be much more efficient and reasonable to allow for students to choose classes based on their interests or potential career path. Classes that I dislike lead to the most stress,” sophomore George Misovic said. So what? This shows that high school students just want to pick classes that will actually really help them in their near future.

Should high schools only require students to take classes that they are interested in having a career in? High School students nowadays are failing classes and skipping classes and they are learning nothing with the education system. Most teens don’t care for most of the classes that are a requirement and that can lead to a bad report to the teacher or school. It can also lead to bad attendance and bad grades. I think that if high schools let us choose our own classes then the students will feel more ready to go to college to be ready for the real life that is ahead of us. In my survey results, I discovered that 98% of Curie students said that they would prefer to choose their own classes rather than the school does, and make it a requirement to pass the classes that they did not choose. Although schools that choose your own classes can help you learn things that you thought you wouldn't be good at nevertheless, students who choose their classes could have better grades and attendance and even start a career from it because those classes that they choose could get them in the correct path into what they really want to do in their life and future. It could also prepare them for the real world and for real problems.

Students aren't required to take classes that they don't need in their careers/future. They need classes that will help them choose their path to success and help them learn what they want to learn. High school students of course need basic subjects Like reading and math but in the rest of the classes, they should choose what they are interested in. As said in the article Students argue required classes should not be mandatory to take by Carpenter Rob, He also said “Students should be able to choose their own classes because it would prepare them better for the real world. Students would have more motivation to learn and come to school if they were given the opportunity to choose their own classes instead of being required to take certain classes in order to graduate. So What? This shows that students don’t need the classes that the school requires them to take, and this also shows that students don’t want the classes that won’t benefit them in their future careers. Students should choose their own classes to motivate them to get better grades as said in the quote, The quote also says that It will prepare them for the real world and I believe that, that is true because most students just want to learn stuff that will help them in the future and well help them with real-life problems that they might face.

Some High school students feel that they’re not ready to go to college because their high schools aren’t getting them ready enough. They are not getting the freedom of choosing the classes and that is what the author of the article Why students choose their own class explains "Give high school students the same freedom as college students, and we'll take education a step in the right direction."(Why should students choose their own classes by KNIGHT, SHANNON)” So what? This will show colleges that high school students are ready to go to college and that the students are serious about continuing their choice of a career plan that they themselves picked. This will also show that the students well know how to pick the right classes for them when they do graduate from high school. The colleges will pick more students that seem ready and who have high grades than those with low grades and not good attendance. So if high schools let us choose our own classes colleges will be willing to accept more students because we will be ready to go to college. Nevertheless, all I am basically trying to say is that schools should be more giving to students so that they can be more thrilled to learn.

College administrates only look for the best grades and best test scores that a student can get. They also look at your GPA number and many students don’t have a great GPA score, you ask why? Well because many students fail classes that don’t bother going to or they fail because there not good at the subject that they are learning in, Colleges don’t know this they assume that you are skipping that class because you feel like it, and probably you have been working hard to get a decent grade on it but can’t because it's really hard for you. In this article, Students argue required classes should not be mandatory to take by Carpenter, Rob a student narrates saying “I think students should be able to pick their own classes because students learn better in an environment where they are comfortable. Colleges also look at my high school grades and it is unfair to show grades in classes that I was forced to take and unable to do well in no matter how hard I tried,” Misovic said.” So what? This shows that some students actually try in their classes and that they worry that colleges won’t accept them just because they’re failing that one class and that is hurting their GPA scores for other colleges to reject them. High school students just want to graduate and get a good job or a good career but with classes that won't help them in any way for their future and that they are failing because they do not find it interesting in that class then they well get rejected and won’t have their dreams completed in whatever they want to do.

I believe that high school students should be able to pick their own classes because some classes that are required for you to pass can lead to a high level of stress and this can cause students to become anxious. Students should also choose their classes that interest them more and make them want to learn as Carpenter Rob Narriats in the article Students argue required classes should not be mandatory to take “It would be much more efficient and reasonable to allow for students to choose classes based on their interests or potential career path. Classes that I dislike lead to the most stress,” sophomore George Misovic said. So what? This shows that high school students just want to pick classes that will actually really help them in their near future. This also tells us that they're not only thinking about school life and their career but they're also trying to get classes that can help them in real-life situations. Colleges tend to look for students that have good grades and test scores but if students can’t pass a class due to stress or just not being able to understand the material than colleges will pass over them and just assume the worst.

Nevertheless, I also believe that all students should at least learn the basics of some classes that are required and they should learn this between kindergarten to 8th grade and once they go to high school they should be able to choose their own classes. So they can be ready to go to college and have an idea of what they want to do with their life or career.

Write your bibliography here. MLA style

Knight, Shannon. “Guest Column: Why Students Should Choose Their Own Classes.” The Sun Chronicle, KNIGHT,SHANNON, 15 Feb. 2022,,classes%20in%20order%20to%20graduate.

Carpenter, Rob. “Students Argue Required Classes Should Not Be Mandatory to Take.” Common Sense, Carpenter,Rob , 6 May 2019,