Should there be an age limit to have access to the internet?

As we can see, in the world and society that we are currently living in, it is very easy for a child to have access to a mobil phone and the internet. Social media are so important entails considerations of two of the most important things; the content that can be seen and shared on social media, and the desicions these kids and teens make on social media.

My topic is based on safety kids and teens should have towards internet access. The results are based on teens and parents opinion.

Describe the main issues you are going to cover.

The main topics I am going to be focousing in my presentation are; Innapropiate content, Cyberbullying, Online Preditors, Protection Issues, and Psychological Problems.

What were the results of your survey? Describe your findings here.

In the survey given, 25 parents, students, and teens agreed that there should be an age limit to hae access to the internet. Even though most parents acctions don't prove they agree to this, mostly the parents were the ones that were the first to agree with the situation. Kids and teens easily are at risk online, Why? Especially kids, beccause they are not really aware of what sites are safe for them.

Interview Summary

A Parent was interviewed, based on the topic about Age limit having access to the interntet. Based on the parent and the survey that applied, the parent agreed that kids and some teens can go into great risk by these children not being aware of what is going on online. From this result we can see how most people are worried about kids having this freedom online.

Your Personal Opinion

In my opinion, I do agree with the results of the survey and the answer the pranet gave me when I interviewed. I agree ther shpuld be an age limit to having acces to the internet. Why? Because, as mentioned before, kids do have a great risk online. Many kids can aslo suffer from bullying, and this can get to a point to these children having depresion. There has been many cases where kids have unfortunately kids have commited suicide due to the fact that the suffer from cyberbullying. There has aslo been some famosu games online that kids have also played that have put these kids lives at risk. So yes, I do believe there should be an age limit for all sources of social media.

Should there be an age limit in order to have access to the internet? As most of you know, the internet can and sometimes has been a very dangerous place for someone that has no knowledge of it. The internet should have an age limit for certain sites, there should be an age limit because the internet can damage a child's mindset, it results in many dangerous consequences such as the individual hurting himself or herself mentally or physically, and because there is certain content that is not to be seen by these children.

Firstly, there should be an age limit to have access to the internet because this can damage a child's mindset. It has been shown by research that due to kids having access to the internet; “Kids are no longer kids.” Kids these days no longer are having fun and are not interacting with other little ones because parents have granted them with any type of device, and the kids are “having fun” by playing video games on these devices or simply entertaining themselves with something to watch with internet access. This century has made our kids not want to come out and enjoy nature, our playgrounds are lonely and miss these children having fun with them. Since the kids are more eligible for the internet they figure out how to “interact” with other children and they seem to call this way “fun.”

In addition, there should be an age limit to have access to the internet because they may put a certain individual in a phase where they are willing to hurt themselves menatlly or physically. As mentioned before, having access to the internet is now very common, anyone can have access to the internet. Due to that we can witness how more children go through what is very known as “Bullying.” It is more common for kids to go through cyberbullying than them getting bullied at school. Most kids don’t like to admit to anyone that they are going through this situation, and this has caused most kids to hurt them self (suicide). We have witnessed with the media and newspaper that more kids have passed away due to this. Having access to the internet can not only harm kids but it can put them in the situation where they feel depressed and that’s when once again they don’t communicate.

Finally, there should be an age limit to have access to the internet because they are at risk to view content that no child should be able to watch. During this era and what we are currently living with the internet, our kids are more eligible to view sites, and most of these sites are NOT to be seen by any person that isn't considered legal. Sometimes kids view these sites and not only do they show intimate things but they also are eligible to sites that other individuals use as ways to kidnap these kids. This puts kids in a very dangerous situation. Kids are more likely to be lurked by these types of people because they are easily targeted. These individuals target them because they know kids are more easy to fool and because they know their parents or guardians are not looking at what their children are doing on the internet.

In conclusion, there should be an age limit to have access to the internet. No matter what age you are, you are always in a risky situation, no matter what type of actions you are doing on the internet. If we ask others, parents are most likely to always say “I can’t get my child out of his or her bedroom,” and why is this; this is because parents have gave their children the freedom to be free with the internet, and they don't really pay attention to the dangers their kids cam be going through. Let’s try to be more conscious of these situations and let's start taking matters into our own hands.