Should the US ban the death penalty for people with autism?

Find a picture and write a caption for it. Change the color.

Describe the main issues you are going to cover.

What are 5 main topics that you are going to be discussing? Describe them here.

  • introduce my self

  • interview

  • survey

  • my thoughts

  • game

What were the results of your survey? Describe your findings here.

after I took the survey I was able to see the though of my fellow peers which happens to be that we should not give the death penalty to people with autism.

Interview Summary

The purpose of this interview is inform people of the types of people who nare being sent to the death penalty. My interviewee’s name is Marilyn, a 16 year old Mexican female. Her attitude towards the topic was complygents and seemed to be all ears. Question 3 was important the question being “do you someone with autism” which she does for her cousin. The reason why it is important is because she is able to sympathize with people with autism. I learn is that people aren't evil like the news or other forms of media will have you believe. She showed compassion to people with autism.

Your Personal Opinion

in my prerenal opinion I believe that people with mental disability should not be murdered but instead help them with treatment and help them help us.

We all know what happens if you commit treason, murder, large-scale drug trafficking, or attempted murder of a witness. Yes it the death penalty, and that does not chance for anyone but should it? 5%-10% of all inmates that are killed in the form of the death penalty suffer from some sort of mental illness which includes autism. Is this fair, well 66.67% of people (students at curie) say that it is not fair. These are people that have a disability and are disconnected from the norms. They have trouble getting the way we live. For them it's too complex, do we want to kill a human that is lost mentally. Even though some people say that we should give up like the rest of the people on the survey to just kill because it costs less to help people. Yes I will say some of the people are the 5%-10% who have done horrible things and that they know what they are doing is evil. Well to do people they don't want help but for the people that try their best to be a member of this society even though its nearly impossible for them. I think we should help because they lack morality quote by “The U.S. The Supreme Court has said a defendant’s mental illness makes him or her less morally culpable and must be taken into consideration as an important reason to spare his or her life.” should we kill cuz it costs cost less financially and physically or should we help those does in need.

People who have mental illnesses are not responsible for their crimes. According to the webpage, “Mental Illness,” there are some people who are to mentally ill that they don't understand that they have committed a crime “Some defendants are so mentally ill as to lack all understanding of their crime and its consequences and may be considered mentally incompetent.” (Mental Illness) So What? This shows that people with mental illness don't have the same self awareness as people that don't have mental problems. Another problem with menially ill prisoners is that they are so frustrated with their own mental illness that they rather die. “Mental health issues have a broad impact in death-penalty cases. One in ten prisoners executed in the United States are “volunteers” — defendants or prisoners who have waived key trial or appeal rights to facilitate their execution.” (Mental Illness) So What? This shows that prisoners with mental illness are done with their problem-filled life and think that it's a better idea to just end it all.

Many states already bad the death penalty according with the website intellectual disability. “Thirty states had either ended the use of the death penalty entirely, or at least for those with intellectual disabilities.” (intellectual disability) so what? If almost half of the US states see the bad in sending inmates with mental illness why don't the rest do. Another example for the website intellectual disability. “While stopping short of abolishing the death penalty, the U.S. The Supreme Court has taken measures to limit its applicability so that it is used primarily in cases where the defendant had the most culpability” (intellectual disability) . So what? If the US Supreme Court has limited the killing of people with mental illness that even the government deems it bad.

The death row is way too harsh. According to the website intellectual disability. “Occasionally, states, too, determined that the death penalty could be too harsh as applied to some defendants, and many passed laws exempting people with limited intellectual ability from the death penalty.”(intellectual disability). So what? People are already passing laws to stop the killing of inmates with mental illness. Another example is from the website “Mental Illness”. Mental illness also affects defendants’ decisions to represent themselves, their ability to work with counsel, and jury’s perceptions of their motives and whether they pose a future danger to society if they are sentenced to life in prison. (Mental Illness). So what? Some inmates most likely were not even guilty but just lack the ability to express themselves and were found guilty.

For all the examples that I just gave, it paints a clear picture that killing people with mental illness is bad but what do we do? There can be many things that we can do like really looking into cases and leaving no stone unturned. Although I think that the best opinion is to ban death row and give people with mental illness more resources to help them become better members of society. This can include funding research into their illness so then we can know more on how they think. Or another opinion is funding mental institutions and making them a real hospital and not just a place where we put people with mental illness.

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