Sexual Health Curriculum

Children in grades Pre-K to 2 are curious and impressionable with a desire to explore the world around them. Children become aware of similarities and differences between their own and other people’s bodies; this is part of their natural curiosity. They also have a natural curiosity about family structures, gender and gender role stereotypes, and reproduction. Children at this age need guidance to navigate communicating with others, treating others with dignity and respect, understanding bodily autonomy, and seeking support when needed. The Pre-K to 2nd grade lessons were created to provide students with basic human sexuality understandings, as recommended by the National Sex Education Standards and Erin's Law, which is an Illinois Law requiring that schools offer sexual abuse prevention education for all school-aged children.

Curriculum Connection Links for Parents:

CPS Sexual Health Policy English

CPS Sexual Health Policy Spanish

Office of Student Health and Wellness News:

Mental Health Matters

Chicago Public Schools recognizes and values the importance of mental health support and services for the well-being of our students, staff, and school communities. As our students return to school, CPS commits to promote, provide, and advance a culture of mental health and wellness in equitable ways across the district.

The CPS Office of Student Health and Wellness (OSHW) is available to help with mental health services. OSHW can:

  • Help a family enroll into Medicaid to gain coverage for mental health services

  • Connect families to their Medicaid Managed Care Organization to complete a Health Risk Screening to identify the best services for them - including transportation to and from appointments

  • Suggest community-based supports and services to assist with mental health care

Mental health matters, and CPS is here to help.

To learn more about all services that OSHW can offer, please visit or call the Healthy CPS hotline at 773. 553.KIDS (5437).

La salud mental importa:

Las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago reconocen y valoran la importancia del apoyo y los servicios de salud mental para el bienestar de nuestros estudiantes, personal y comunidades escolares. A medida que nuestros estudiantes regresen a la escuela, CPS se compromete a promover, proporcionar y promover una cultura de salud mental y bienestar de manera equitativa en todo el distrito.

La Oficina de Salud y Bienestar Estudiantil de CPS (OSHW) está disponible para ayudar con servicios de salud mental. OSHW puede:

Ayudar a una familia a inscribirse en Medicaid para obtener cobertura para servicios de salud mental.

Conecta a las familias con su Oficina de Atención Medicaid, para completar una evaluación de riesgos de salud e identificar los mejores servicios para ellos, incluido el transporte hacia y desde las citas.

Sugerir apoyo y servicios basados en la comunidad para ayudar con la atención médica.

La salud mental importa, y CPS está aquí para ayudar.

Para obtener más información sobre todos los servicios que OSHW puede ofrecer, visite o llame a la línea directa de Healthy CPS al 773. 553.KIDS (5437).