The Montessori Philosophy
The Montessori curriculum inspires students to become independent learners who appreciate and understand the world around them. Lessons (presentations) are given individually, in small groups, and to the whole class. Studies are introduced concretely in the Early Childhood and Elementary I classrooms and are represented several times over the years at increasing levels of abstraction and complexity. Students engage in collaborative and independent work that integrates all curricular areas. The teacher's role is to guide the students and to provide them with tools that are necessary to become lifelong learners, critical thinkers, problem solvers, and active members of our global society. In the upper grades, more emphasis is placed on cooperative and project-based learning along with a focus on research.
All classrooms are carefully prepared and furnished with manipulative learning materials designed by Maria Montessori to promote a multi-sensory learning experience. Materials are sequential and allow students to move at their own pace from the concrete to the abstract. Classrooms are designed to allow for a great deal of movement and have work areas throughout the space. Materials are openly displayed and available on accessible shelving. Our Montessori classrooms empower the students to become active participants in their learning.
Each of our Montessori classrooms is multiage, an important characteristic of Montessori education. The students remain with their classroom teacher for three consecutive years. This allows for the teacher to bond with the students and families in addition to allowing the teacher to know the needs, learning styles, and interests of their students. Learning is not interrupted at the beginning of each academic year. Within the three year cycle teachers are able to better support their students socially, emotionally, and academically.
The three year cycle also allows for a true community to develop within each and every classroom. Only one third of the students are new to the room each year. The remaining two thirds of the students are able to bring new students into the calm, friendly, and safe learning environment. Mixed age levels allow students opportunities to receive reinforcement of skills and to move ahead and challenge themselves by working with older students, presenting to younger students and peers, and taking on leadership roles both socially and in their areas of academic interest and expertise. Students witness the spiraling curriculum in action. The older students take on responsibility and act as role models.
As a public Montessori school, Drummond is accountable for addressing the Common Core State Standards. To read more about how Montessori addresses the Common Core State Standards please visit Seton Montessori’s Public Policy Advocacy Page.
Traditional vs. Montessori Education
From Montessori Madness by Trevor Eissle