Classroom Materials

Clinton Code Green Project

This is a 3 week project designed to raise awareness of our habits around consuming products and resources, and the impact those habits have on our personal wellness, the well-being of those around us, and the health of our planet.

This project has been designed so that you can do this with your students, by yourslef, and /or with your families. Attached is the entire project and subsequent tracking logs. Each week has a short article or video that you can review with your classes. This is a template, you can follow this exactly or incorporate into other aspects of your instruction as you see fit.

Clinton project Code Green (consumerism awareness project)
Clinton Poject Code Green 20-21

10 days of Happiness

Visit Action for Happiness to learn how to be happier. 10 Days of Happiness is a free online coaching program which guides you through daily actions for happier living. It is designed for challenging times, based on the latest research from positive psychology, neuroscience, and behavioral science.And it only takes just a few minutes each day!