Instrument Rating Reading List

Here is my recommended reading list for the Instrument Rating

Please note that this is only relevant for already licensed pilots seeking to add (or refresh) an Instrument Rating.

Handbooks and the like (important fundamental reading)

The following documents are a fundamental part of any instrument pilot's background knowledge. But most of them are rather large and not exactly a quick read for most people. Therefore, I expect every student to read these documents over the course of their instrument training, but I do not expect complete retention or swift completion. (On the retention front, these are references that can always be consulted again if/when necessary.)

Guides, Primers, Courses, Lessons, Quizzes, Videos, and similar sources of specific information

This section (as opposed to the section above) typically contains documents or other references that are shorter and easier to read/digest in a single sitting, often covering a single topic, or at least a small set of topics that are closely related.

Approaches, Equipment Requirements, etc.

The Approach Briefing

The Precision Approach - ILS

The Circling Approach / Circling Maneuver

Descending Below Minimums

Missed Approach

Holds - Entering and Holding

IFR Reference / Review Materials


Devices, Apps, and Supplies

  • Apple iPad for ForeFlight - See associated info on pilot supplies list

  • ForeFlight - See associated info on pilot supplies list

  • IFR view limiting device - There are many different options. Some only work for people who do not wear glasses. Some only work for people who do wear glasses. And others work for either. Some of the more common solutions are Foggles, ASA Overcasters, the ASA Jiffyhood, or the Best Hood. You can also just buy a cheap pair of safety glasses and then use duct tape, gaffers tape, masking tape, or similar to block all vision except that needed to see the instruments. I've had a number of students make their own using this method and it usually works out quite well.

When it is time to prepare for your FAA Instrument Rating Written Exam I recommend using:

As you get closer to your checkride you should read the following: