COVID-19 Protocol

Update June 1, 2021

The CDC's current COVID-19 guidance for fully vaccinated people is that two people who are fully vaccinated (both shots (or one shot for Johnson & Johnson), plus 2 weeks) pose virtually no risk to each other, even without masks. I received my second Pfizer shot at the end of March, and have been fully vaccinated (both shots, plus 2 weeks) since the middle of April. As a result, I am comfortable training without masks as long as you (the student/client) are also fully vaccinated. If you are not yet fully vaccinated, you will be required to wear a mask at all times during your session. But, depending on your status, I may be OK with you wearing a non-N95 mask.

If you are not yet vaccinated, please get vaccinated as soon as possible. Starting August 1, 2021, I require all students/clients to be fully vaccinated.

Note that masks may still be required inside various clubs, FBOs, and other facilities or settings, depending on local laws and policies.

NOTE: All information below this point is essentially archival in nature. The update, above, basically overrides the older information below.

Important Note

As of Fall of 2020, I have resumed partial instruction for fight reviews, currency flights, phase checks, and other special needs. But I have not yet resumed regular instruction towards a particular rating or license (PPL, CPL, Instrument Rating, etc.). My intent is to help keep pilots flying during the pandemic, while also trying to limit my exposure and risk associated with the virus.

For as long as the COVID-19 virus is a significant threat, the COVID-19 protocol described here is what I am using to mitigate the exposure and risk to me, my clients, and our associated families (and others in our near-in circle). I take this virus, my health, your health, the health of others, and these precautions seriously. Please read this entire document and then decide if you are able and willing to comply with this complete protocol before scheduling with me. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE reschedule or cancel if you are sick, have had a recent positive COVID test (within the last 2 weeks), live or work closely with someone who is sick or has recently tested positive, have been informed that you may have been exposed to the virus, or have any other reason to believe that you may have recently contracted, or been exposed to, the virus.


In order to best protect both the client and CFI (you & me, and hence our families and others living in our "household") from COVID-19, I have developed the following protocol to be followed by both of us during all flight and/or ground training sessions. Please note that I have developed this policy based on the following medical facts:

  1. If someone is showing any COVID-19 symptoms, then the risk of that person infecting the other is significant and the risk is simply too high to commence instruction. Instruction will not take place under these conditions and the lesson will be cancelled/rescheduled.

  2. According to recent information from the CDC, approximately ⅓ of people infected with COVID-19 are asymptomatic. Therefore, it is imperative to proceed defensively, even when both parties show no signs of the virus.

  3. The latest medical information indicates that the main vector of COVID-19 infection is via airborne particles, aka airborne droplets or aerosols. The risk of expelling or inhaling these particles appears to be related to the frequency and intensity of a person’s breathing. Some examples of different breathing risks, from highest risk to least risk, are: sneezing, coughing, heavy breathing (such as during exercise or high stress), singing, talking, normal breathing. Other factors that affect this risk are proximity to others, and the duration of exposure. Since we will be sitting only inches apart in the cockpit, and since flights can last for hours, it is imperative that we both wear N95 masks to mitigate this risk as much as reasonably possible.

  4. Although it is possible to contract COVID-19 by touching contaminated surfaces, catching the virus in this way is lower risk than via airborne particles. None-the-less, sanitizing the controls before use, washing or sanitizing hands before each lesson, and being very diligent to avoid touching one’s face during the lesson are still prudent and required actions to limit our exposure.

  5. As of February 1st, 2021, the CDC has issued a new mask mandate for the transportation sector: CDC - Federal Register Notice: Wearing of face masks while on conveyances and at transportation hubs. While the CDC does not mandate N95 masks (as I do), they do talk about the importance of proper mask wearing, how some masks are better than others, and that some "masks" are simply unacceptable.

COVID-19 Protocol to be followed

    1. You must agree to, and abide by, all of the following rules

    2. Failure to follow these rules will result in immediate termination of the lesson and possible cancellation of future lessons

    3. If operating out of a club or FBO, all applicable club/FBO rules will be followed in addition to the rules specified below

    4. My usual policy of allowing additional people to join on training flights (as long as we are within W&B limits) is suspended until further notice — training flights are currently limited to just the pilot (you) and instructor (me).

    5. You have followed county and state social distancing and mask wearing protocols for at least the past 14 days.

    6. You are currently healthy, with no COVID-19 symptoms (per the CDC):

      • Fever or chills

      • Cough

      • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

      • Fatigue

      • Muscle or body aches

      • Headache

      • New loss of taste or smell

      • Sore throat

      • Congestion or runny nose

      • Nausea or vomiting

      • Diarrhea

    7. If a possible fever is suspected, your temperature will be taken and it must be below 100.4°F

    8. Wash/sanitize hands immediately before the start of the lesson

    9. Carry sanitizer/wipes with you in case you need them during the lesson

    10. Client to wipe down all relevant aircraft surfaces and controls before start of lesson/flight (Note: WVFC takes care of this for club aircraft, so no need to do it on your own.)

    11. Must wear a mask at all times during the lesson, inside and outside of the cockpit

    12. Mask requirements:

      • No bandanas, t-shirts, homemade masks, etc.

      • Mask must be a N95 mask (KN95 mask OK)

      • Mask must NOT have an exhaust valve/vent

      • Mask must be worn, and worn properly (from very start to very end of lesson):

        • nose and mouth covered

        • good seal (no gaps) around entire mask

        • all straps properly used

      • Please, if at all possible, procure your own mask that meets the above criteria. If you are unable to procure your own mask, I may be able to give you one for your use during your sessions (if I still have spares, and if I have not already given you one).