G15: VRMath

Masud Ahmed

nihar sidhu

Yordanos goshu

Welcome to VRMath!

Project Description & Inspiration: Abstract and high dimensional models in mathematics often lead to obscure and limited understanding of very crucial topics in education. VRMath is trying to fix that. Our project aims to provide an interactive and visual representation of functions in higher dimensions. This allows for a more engaging environment to reason out mathematical functions. We focus on linear and logistic regression, as these are the two most important models first taught to new ML students.

Some Key Features:

  • Parameter-Graph Interaction for Logistic and Linear Regression
  • 3D Model Generation with Shaders
  • UI Interaction and Navigation
  • Custom-Made Note-Taking Feature
  • Locomotion
  • Audio
  • Classroom Scene with Adjusted Lighting, Textures

Linear Regression

The user can change the value of B_0 to see how the separating hyperplane can change

Logistic regression

The user can change the value of B_0 (bias) and B_1 (weight) to see how the sigmoid function can change


Full Experience Video:

VRMath virtually creates a classroom setting for our application area; education. We have a multimodal display consisting of a visual display for the models, an audio display of music, and haptic display of the oculus joysticks for interacting with the diagrams. The experience we have creates an immersive virtual experience to help students learn in ways they could not before!

Main features of vrmath!

Linear Model

Multi-view model perspective and tuning

Logistic Model

Real-time parameter changes of math models in 3D space


Ability to write notes on board and classroom ground

Playground: 3D Model Generation

So What's Next?

There are many things which can serve as important future improvements, but here are a few of the features which would best improve the VR learning experience:

  • Improve the 3D Drawing Model Functionality: We want for the user to eventually be able to draw their own 3D shapes/models. The gif on the left is our trial attempt at developing a triangular pyramid
  • Multi-Player: Incorporate multi-player, so a student can be interacting with a teacher explaining concepts and the model in the same VR environment
  • Additional Lessons: Include additional complex ML models such as Neural-Nets
  • Allow the User to Save/Export Notes

We are excited to continue improving what we have outside of this class, and build out additional functionality for a more informative, intuitive experience!