G09: ImaginaryBrush

Project Description

With Imaginary Brush Virtual Reality application (deployed to Oculus Quest), user learn how to write Chinese characters in the correct order with a Chinese Calligraphy Brush within an immersive traditional Chinese environment. The primary goal is to teach user Chinese calligraphy, further more, as writing calligraphy itself is stress-relief, user can also use the product for entertainment or meditation.

We Teach

By displaying the character with stroke order in the scene, we teach users how to write Chinese characters.

We Relax

With the pre-setting environment and background music, we give users an immersive and relax experience.

We Interact

In freestyle mode, we give users an unlimited space to explore their creativity. In learning mode, user choose the character to learn.

Project VIDEO


Start Scene

In this scene, user can see a UI interface, here you select Freestyle or Learning mode with the left controller. If user enters either mode but wants to switch to another one, they can press the left controller's HandTrigger to go back to Start Scene and make a decision.

Freestyle Mode

In Freestyle mode, users can draw whatever they want in space. With locomotion feature, they can transport themselves to a destination and explore the entire space. It's a good scenario for user's to utilize their creativity and relax themselves!

Learning Mode

User can see a paper with characters and stroke order on it. There is a brush pen in user's right hand. Users are now holding the right controller as if they are holing a brush pen. A UI panel is in the near distance, it contains instructions on how to interact with the controller, and several UI buttons for switching between different characters and scripts. We now provide three words and two scripts for user to choose from. After go through he instruction and choose the character, user can close the UI canvas, come closer to the paper, and start writing. Users can practice as long as they want, if user is not satisfied with the stroke they wrote, they can simply undo or reset it by press left controller's button. We Once users have managed the stroke order with the regular script, they can test their learning result by writing in the running script where there is no stroke order presented.

Holding Controller

Holding Brush Pen

Future Improvement

Based on what we have implemented, we can provide more scripts and characters for users to learn. The experience is also not only limited to Chinese, we can add in other languages. We can also provide game for testing the learning effectiveness, where we ask users to write a random character they have practiced in a limited time. We will evaluate the correctness of stroke order, as well as the wellness of their handwriting.

The Team

Zimeng Zhu

CM '20

Xiran Sun

CM '20

Wenjia Zhang

CS '20