G04 - Orbit

Header Source: Greenhorn Animations

Team Orbit

We wish to re-imagine how to use Virtual Reality to improve mental health by creating a more powerful and immersive mindfulness experiences. Our experience will allow users to create a serene and safe space for immersive audio journaling, memory recording and self talk.


Orbit reimagines how to use VR to improve mental health by creating more powerful and immersive mindfulness experiences.

The core experience will allow users to create a serene and safe space for immersive audio journaling, memory recording and self talk.

To encourage deep thoughts, open minded thinking, and repeat usage, our UI design is inspired by the vast night sky full of stars. Users will create "orbs" of audio that mimic stars and create their very own beautiful galaxy of thoughts.



MVP: Basic 3D World

Barebones interactable 3D world w/ motion tracking of hands/head, recording of the audio done via proprietary hardware.

Target Product: Adding Depth and Tangibility

UI (i.e. menus), colors, haptics (i.e. vibration), and spatial audio (i.e. binaural hearing)

Stretch Goals: Multi-User Experiences

Creating a multi-user experience (i.e. sharing memory soundbytes b/w users)

Neurotechnology for a more holistic experience (i.e. guided meditation practice)

Hardware and Software

Oculus Quest


The Team

Ryan Kim

M.Eng in CS, '20

rk494 [AT] cornell.edu

Daniel Asper

MBA, '20

da494 [AT] cornell.edu

Vini Tripathii

ECE, '20


Passionate about the intersection of VR and mental health. Interest in creating a repeatable VR experience for predominantly a non-gaming user segment.


P1 - Presentation

P1 - Presentation Deck

Tues, October 1st, 2019

P2 - MVP Video

Thursday, November 7th, 2019

P3 - Target Product

Tuesday, December 3rd, 2019